VSIDO 32 bit


I have completed the 32 bit version of VSIDO.  It has been tested by several of the Mods and I now think it is ready for public use

Here are the links:

VSIDO 32 Bit

VSIDO 32 Bit md5 checksum

Due to the continued freeze there are dependency issues with GIMP if you try to download it with visdo-welcome it will error out. 

To resolve it run

sudo apt-get -t experimental install gimp

There were several common apps that I had to do the same thing with to get this 32 bit version to the same levels as the 64 bit.  I think it is due to the freeze on Wheezy and hopefully we will see changes soon
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"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


Downloading now will install this evening.
Thanks!  :)
The view's not that bad you just have to punch the knothole out.



All the download links have been modified to reflect the 32 bit...

The wget 32 bit is now uploading and will be done in 1 hour
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