

Hi Folks

Me again.

Since I updated to the latest kernel for some reason or other of which I have no idea the Fluxbox menu Editor is not working. All the items that were previously in there are still working. I have tried restart and reload fluxbox but with no success. I have been looking around but can't find out where it is or how to correct it  :( help needed please  :)
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


A python update about a week ago killed the editor along with several other apps.. Puddletag was one of them but it recently corrected on further updates.. I would be patient and perhaps it might correct itself with further updates. You could also just edit /home/username/.fluxbox/menu and do it all manually

The big one that is gone for me is Medit.. It too is gone now
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Thanks VastOne.

Yep l've lost medit but assumed it was something that I had done. glad to know that it wasn't   :) I'll wait and see what happens
Cheers  :)
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


Hi Gordon
the where is it is be: ~/fluxmenu
/etc/skel/fluxmenu, /home/Gordon/fluxmenu