VSIDO 32bit & 64bit ISO’s updated 2015-MAR-17 20:34 CST


  • Standard 2 Week Update Cycle
  • Updated GMusicBrowser to the latest git code
  • Added a new youtube-dl-mp3 script
  • Updated all applications to the latest SID levels

All files and torrents can be downloaded from the VSIDO Download page
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I've been meaning to do a fresh install of the latest & greatest myself lately but have been sidetracked by various issues.
My old VSIDO install has gotten a bit mucked up, of course through no fault of the distro. Sloppy housekeeping i must admit since first installed a considerable while ago.
Time to build the ultimate thing of beauty & Vast ( :D) powers this coming weekend!


I noticed that kmod is in its last version, so it breaks a few network things as seen here.

Here the network still works fine in a VM install but at boot some warning messages are displayed about the issue. I don't want to be a... like we use to say in Spain, "toca pelotas" (something like bollocks pusher), but I've been wondering... invariably updating all applications to the latest SID levels for the new distros including critical buggy packages, isn't a bit of a radical approach? I don't mean taking care of every single bug, but those affecting crucial parts of the system. Aptitude wants to remove too many critical packages if kmod 20-1 is installed.