VSIDO FSA's Updated to Linux kernel 6.9.10-amd64


Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.9.10-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchiver to get VSIDO installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added

Thank you Dizzie for the download site updates and work!
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Aaaaand I tested the download speed externally (from my vps, with its datacenter somewhere in the nothern hemosphere)

12.6mb/sec, so we're good with this server upgrade :)

Went from a Opteron 1210(2x1.8Ghz) to a Xeon W3550 (8x3Ghz). Also from 4 to 18Gb ram :)

So we're good! Download like there is no tomorrow :P 
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