VSIDO 32bit & 64bit ISO’s updated 2015-APR-08 19:00 CST


Never fails that when I do a release a new kernel comes up right behind it

Still waiting for SID to sort out when they will get a newer kernel than the 3.16 line. Kernel 3.18 is not available anywhere and 4.0 is immanently due to be released and as soon as it is VSIDO will move to 4.0

  • Updated to latest SID level kernel – Debian 3.16.7-ckt-1 (2015-04-08)
  • Updated all applications to the latest SID levels

All files and torrents can be downloaded from the VSIDO Download page

Happy Birthday Kacey Lynn!
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The last release prior to this one was the 17th of March, and by what I was reading here and there on the net, believed something was immanent with Debian, so speculated that VastOne would be holding the next release of  VSIDO to coincide. So, no crystal ball approach to releasing a distro. Appreciate the hard work, and it is an excellent distro. Fixed the shutdown-fail notice. Thank you - zephyr
CROWZ / STAR / Devuan / refracta / VSIDO


Been out on the distro porch for quite a while.  :) Decided it was time to take a look. And wow, very nice. Great work guys!