Thunar custom actions


Thunar custom actions for anyone interested.

Here's how:
1. open thunar
2. go to Edit > Configure custom actions > add new custom action
3. insert into the "command" field the obvious command below and name the action whatever you want.
NOTE: I have employed a number of bash scripts to do custom actions. Yup, leverage the power of the shell into your right click menu.

These are either my currents or some I have used recently. I have a whole ton which I used in a previous distro, but will have to hunt for them. For now, these are fairly useful though. Bon appetit!

md5 checksum
zenity --info --title="Check md5 for %n" --text="$(md5sum %f)"

show space of file/folder
du -h -c %N | grep total | zenity --text-info

copy path
echo -n %f | xclip -selection "clipboard"

copy with progress bar
(for I in $(seq 2); do echo $I; sleep 1; done; cp %F "/destination/folder") | zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close

create backup file in same folder
cp --backup=t %f %f.backup

move to parent
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv "{}" . \;

media metadata vamp
#hehe, this one sucks out metadata and injects it into a zenity screen, if you have zenity
ffmpeg -i %f  2>&1 | grep -e Stream -e Duration -e Input | zenity --width=800 --height=240 --text-info --title %n

create symlink
ln -s

disk space
du -chs --apparent-size %N | zenity --text-info

compare files/folders
meld %F

set as wallpaper
nitrogen --set-auto %f

open terminal here
gksudo 'xfce4-terminal --working-directory %f'

delete but bypass trash
rm -r

join files
cat %F > joined.txt

doc(x) -> odt
unoconv -f odt %F

docs -> pdf
#works on doc(x), xls(x), odt, some others
unoconv -f pdf %F

preview media
mplayer %f -really-quiet -endpos 10

play media
mplayer %F

jpg lossless rotate
for file in %F; do tempfile=$(mktemp); (jpegtran -copy all -rotate 90 $file > $tempfile); mv -f $tempfile $file; rm -f $tempfile; don

pgp sign
xfce4-terminal -e "gpg -a -u [user] -b %f"

mount iso
gksudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 %f /mnt'

convert to avi
xfce4-terminal -x ffmpeg -i %f -b 798k -ab 128k %f.avi

make movie thumbnail
makethumb %F (apperance conditions = video files)
## ##
that command requires a short bash script, here:

# put me in ~/bin (or somewhere on the path)
# I need mtn (
# put that into  ~/bin as well
# and image magick installed
# should work on files and paths with spaces in them

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do

# mtn 1st try

mtn -i -c 1 -r 1 -t -P -o .${extension%.*}.jpg "$1"
if [ ! -s "$1.jpg" ]
   mtn -i -c 1 -r 1 -t -P -Z -o .${extension%.*}.jpg "$1"

#convert (image magick)
convert "$1.jpg" -gravity Center -scale 180^ -extent 120x180 "$1_thumb.jpg"

#remove mtn snap and rename the thumb
mv "$1_thumb.jpg" "$filename.jpg"
rm "$file.jpg"



Wow superwow, that's incredible! Thank you so much for this! I am looking forward to parsing through these and creating some and adding my own. Hopefully we'll get a bunch more people involved and have a really incredible selection.

Thank you again! 8)
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np VO!

Actually I would like to figure out how to make them all appear in a submenu, like the "Send To" menu in MSW, my favorite component of MSW. As it is, I try to prune them so they all fit in a right click menu. I do not use all these at this moment.


I'll say W O W as well!!!  This is already an incredible selection!  Good going superwow.   8)
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


It is a superwow superpost! Some awesome stuff in here tonight guys. Better get busy.