OpenBox Autostart and tint2


 I suppose this is the correct sub forum for this topic & post.
If not please move.
  After my recent  Sid
apt-get  update && apt-get dist-upgrade
  I began to have problems not before experienced with my tint2 panel.
I had done nothing to change the panel and tint2 did not Upgrade in version either.
1. tint2 &   very...v-e-r-y slow to appear on desktop
2. Once I switched to Desktop 2 or 3 or 4 then tint2 crashed
3. tint2 ..Even reloaded manually the issues persisted

I slowly began eliminating extra tray processes ..parcellite....voliti (VOLUME) ..battery (xfce4 PowerManager)
Nothing seemed to help
I then added tint2 to my Fluxbox DE on the same Sid install on which it ran perfectly.
This pointed away from tint2 and directly at OpenBox..
Solution: Although tint2 had been loaded at the same point by ~/.config/openbox/autostart for many months something had changed after the Update/Upgrade. The Solution was when loading an OpenBox DE to load tint2 high up in the autostart process.
Below are the top half (that is pertinent ) of the OpenBox autostart scripts Before and After.. After being the operative Solution..
Strange Days are These.. .The Doors

As you can see from the BEFORE shell that tint2 was experimented with by loading at the End, Middle and Beginning of the shell. The load at the very beginning in AFTER proved to work Best.

## Openbox
## ====================
## ====================
## Start session manager
lxsession &

## Enable power management
xfce4-power-manager &

## Start Thunar Daemon
thunar --daemon &

## Set desktop wallpaper
nitrogen --restore &

## Start idesk
#idesk &

## Launch panel
##fbpanel &
tint2 &
##xfce4-panel &

## Enable Eyecandy - off by default, uncomment one of the commands below.
## Note: cairo-compmgr prefers a sleep delay, else it tends to produce
## odd shadows/quirks around tint2 & Conky.
##(sleep 10s && cb-compmgr --cairo-compmgr) &
##cb-compmgr --xcompmgr -c &
xcompmgr -CcfF &

## Launch network manager applet
##(sleep 4s && wicd-gtk -t) &
(sleep 3s && nm-applet) &

## Launch panel
##tint2 &
##fbpanel &
## Detect and configure touchpad. See 'man synclient' for more info.
if egrep -iq 'touchpad' /proc/bus/input/devices; then
    synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 &
    synclient TapButton1=1 &

## Start xscreensaver
xscreensaver -no-splash &

## Start Conky after a slight delay
#(sleep 3s && conky -q) &

## Start volumeicon after a slight delay
(sleep 2s && volti) &

## Start Clipboard manager
(sleep 3s && parcellite) &

## Openbox
## ====================
## ====================
## Start session manager
lxsession &

## Start Panel Taskbar Tray
(sleep 3 && tint2) &

## Enable power management
xfce4-power-manager &

## Start Thunar Daemon
thunar --daemon &

## Set desktop wallpaper
nitrogen --restore &

## Start idesk
#idesk &

## Launch panel
##fbpanel &
##tint2 &
##xfce4-panel &

## Enable Eyecandy - off by default, uncomment one of the commands below.
## Note: cairo-compmgr prefers a sleep delay, else it tends to produce
## odd shadows/quirks around tint2 & Conky.
##(sleep 10s && cb-compmgr --cairo-compmgr) &
##cb-compmgr --xcompmgr -c &
xcompmgr -CcfF &

## Launch network manager applet
##(sleep 4s && wicd-gtk -t) &
(sleep 3s && nm-applet) &
## Launch panel
##tint2 &
##fbpanel &
## Detect and configure touchpad. See 'man synclient' for more info.
if egrep -iq 'touchpad' /proc/bus/input/devices; then
    synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 &
    synclient TapButton1=1 &

## Start xscreensaver
xscreensaver -no-splash &

## Start Conky after a slight delay
#(sleep 3s && conky -q) &

## Start volumeicon after a slight delay
(sleep 2s && volti) &

## Start Clipboard manager
(sleep 3s && parcellite) &

Stretch, Siduction-15.1,  Slackware 14.1, LMDE, Calculate 15.7


Great info sqlpython...

I am curious, what kernel are you running that this is happening on?  I ask because I have recently seen bizarre memory issues with the recent kernels
VSIDO      VSIDO Change Blog    

    I dev VSIDO


This is happening on a Modified Siduction Installl with one of towo's kernels which are quite good.
Modified as Siduction does not offer an OpenBox

sqlpython@siductionbox:~$ uname -a
Linux siductionbox 3.10-4.towo-siduction-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Aug 3 17:08:05 UTC 2013 i686 GNU/Linux
Stretch, Siduction-15.1,  Slackware 14.1, LMDE, Calculate 15.7


Still having problems on Fresh Boot but not logout and login.
So I added a delay in the script as tint2 is to load allowing other processes to settle.
3 Seconds and seems to have worked.
Changed line
tint2 &
(sleep 3 && tint2) &

I have adjusted the after Script in the first post to reflect this............
Stretch, Siduction-15.1,  Slackware 14.1, LMDE, Calculate 15.7


Apparently, I don't have this problem fully in hand.
Again (with hack) tint2 may crash in OpenBox as I switch Desktops.
This will not occur in FluxBox on the same Sid Install. Will keep posted as to solution.
Stretch, Siduction-15.1,  Slackware 14.1, LMDE, Calculate 15.7


 Ok, Latest Update to my tint2 problem as outlined above....
Seems while the sleep 3 before launching tint2 helped the problem crash would occur although less immediate.
As I pointed out above I was looking at Openbox as the problem/cause..
So, I have updated to Openbox 3.5.2
Now, I am able to for go the sleep 3 and simply run tint2 in the /home/sqlpython/.config/openbox/autostart.
And No errors no crashes... So Go for OB 3.5.2
Meanwhile I also ..heh heh .. began substituting fbpanel in both the Fluxbox and Openbox DEs ..
Looks pretty kool..
I will post a SCROT of both with the same BGround..
Stretch, Siduction-15.1,  Slackware 14.1, LMDE, Calculate 15.7


Nice work sqlpython...  8)

On the next builds this Sunday, OB 3.5.2 will be the default. 

Also send me your fbpanel setup so I can see it and get a feel for why you prefer it
VSIDO      VSIDO Change Blog    

    I dev VSIDO


 Actually, I still do prefer the tint2 panel but the fbpanel does look like a Kool alternative as configured.
I will post my fbpanel config with it's minor changes to another thread.
Stretch, Siduction-15.1,  Slackware 14.1, LMDE, Calculate 15.7