And you pronounce VSIDO . . .


Hi, all -- Just a question after writing a blog item about this great distro.

So how do you pronounce VSIDO?



E-I-E-I-O? (the Old MacDonald version)

Just curious. Also, I think I have an idea where the distro gets it's name, but I'll save that for another discussion.


V Sid Oh


I swear I am not vain, not at all...  ::)  ???  8)
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I'm a rebel: "sido" being the past participle of ser (to be) = were

vee-seedoh   :D

Just because I'd bet most would go with "vee-SID-o"

OK, that's all garbage: vee-sid-oh is my choice!
Stay Home


Thanks. I talked about it last week briefly in a presentation at Felton LUG, and I called it vuh-SID-oh, accent on the Sid. Thanks for the correction.

[It also occurred to me that it could be a Roman Numeral 5-Sid-Zero, but I thought I'd leave that one alone.]

As for the name: Is it V(ast)-SID-O(ne)?


That would be it... Vanity aside, it is unique, no?
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Odd.... I knew where the name came from and I still pronounce it wrong in my head  :D

Vee-Side-Oh ...... yes I realize this is incorrect and makes very little sense but that little devil that told me to install KDE also told me how to pronounce it!
Don't Be A Dick!


  :D  :D  :D

Can I have a side of GNU with that please!
Stay Home


Quote from: VastOne on March 24, 2013, 11:40:32 PM
That would be it... Vanity aside, it is unique, no?

It is, indeed, and an excellent naming convention. However, it took me awhile to figure that one out.


Vanity would be "Me-Sid-Oh" ;)
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


In the Sunday Morning Linux Review there was a lot of discussion about the name...  I suppose I could hyphenate it :D

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I put a short i between the V and the S.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


Wow, cool review on SMLR!  Mary Tomich who does the review actually mentions she came across the VSIDO distro from reading JedsDesk!  And I thought I was the only one who read what I write!  :D
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


That was pretty cool...  I tried to find you on the IRC when I heard the news
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