VSIDO Debian ISO updated 01MAR2013 15:32 CST


I updated the ISO with the latest SID updates and to make sure that Fluxbox was correctly setup

I built, tested and installed with no issues

For some tips on things you do after the initial install, see the Did You Know Thread
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There is no need to install this for anything new

You also note that Xfce4 is still the default for VSIDO, I really like Fluxbox and I am using it, but Xfce was the reason for VSIDO to begin with
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I noticed that in the OB menu that Wicd settings was still there

I have corrected that and it will be resolved in the next ISO

In the mean time simply edit the OB menu and change

Wicd Settings to Ceni Settings

and the Execute to

xfce4-terminal -x ceni
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Sorry VastOne, this I had noticed on the 20FEB iso and forgot to mention...  I'll pay better attention from now on!
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


Thanks jedi. 

Since I rarely ever log into an OB session I do not notice these things...

Another pair of eyes watching will definitely help
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Since this is a rolling release (and you're bored) how about a script we can run that will reset the theme, etc, to the current release (provided that it changes).  Or one that just does a "reset default".
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


That is a good idea hinto and one I have been thinking about...

I'll keep you updated on the progress... I have just completely sterilized my build process, which will make scripting changes a lot easier

Thanks for the suggestion
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I also mentioned (when I was on LMDE) that a "born on date" would be pretty cool.  That way you could not only brag on "up time", but how long you cared for a single installation.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


Hey hinto

I have completed a script and need tests done with it.  I have tested it successfully on several machines, but you know what they say about a dev and his test environments (they NEVER fail) :D

Attached is vsido_up.sh.  Simply save it to your /home directory and then follow these steps ( I know you know these, I am setting these instructions here for anyone else who tests it)

1: logout
2: drop to tty1 (ctrl + alt + f1)
3: chmod +x vsido_up.sh
4: sudo sh vsido_up.sh

At the end it suggests you reboot, but this is not necessary..

ctrl + d to log out of tty1

ctrl + f7  to get back to the login screen



This particular update installs the correct conky menu xml and several new themes to Fluxbox and a change to the Fluxbox menu

Let me know successes or failures
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Nice I'll give it a try in the morning.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


^ Cool...

Anybody else willing to test this today so I can release it?
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Works perfect!  Ran fine with no issues... 8)
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton