(Solved)Problem when maximizing window


When i maximize the application windows, the upper right corner disappears and shows the desktop background, the mini/maxi/x icons are not there anymore, ideas anyone?


There is a popup tint2 panel up there.  Most annoying that.

Are you using OpenBox?
- If so obconf > margins and set a top margin to clear that.

Don't know about Xfce4 or FluxBox though.

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Yes, Openbox lover, thanks for the fast reply, fixed it, thanks Sector11, will have to do something about that panel later.


That panel is your systray panel, setup to be in the most obscure part of the screen. If you want to see it work, start something that uses a systray

If you want to disable it and not have a systray, it is in your autostart as

tint2 -c /usr/local/bin/.tint2oblaunchers/tint2rc &

You can disable it there

You can also

sudo medit /usr/local/bin/.tint2oblaunchers/tint2rc

and move it to where you want it OR you can autohide it, by changing the very last section from this:

# Panel Autohide
autohide = 0

to this

# Panel Autohide
autohide = 1

In Fluxbox it is in ~/.fluxbox/startup

In Xfce it is run from the Startup session
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I'm wondering if that can be merged in with the bottom tint2 or in the space to the left of it.
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Yes it can, just add it in the bottom one
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