

Hi Folks

Well I installed adequate the other day as i found out the it told you about problems on your PC, Which it did. It told me that were were over 2400 errors / problems
but they scrolled past so fast that i could read them and i have no idea where it has stored them, I assumed that it does keep them somewhere, and i can't find the file / folder.
I did notice that it said there were broken file / symlinks which I need to fix but I can't get it to list just the broken files. I did try " adequate --all -deconf " but that didn't have them in it either.
so again I have no idea what to do and although I looked on debian site all I could find was a list of the things if checked. looking through the code I did see the list that it runs. Can I just hash out the ones that i don't want at the moment or will that cause havoc
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


adequate - this package?

The man page doesn't have anything about creating a log file.

You can try piping the command through more:

adequate --all | more

to see if it gives you information one page at a time. Then use the Enter key (one line at a time) or space bar (one page at a time) to view results.

Other option would be to redirect the output to a text file.

adequate --all | col -b >> ~/Documents/filename.txt

That might give you a human readable text file with all the errors. The col command filters the line feed and "-b" removes backspaces so you should get an ordered list of the errors.
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Hi PackRat

Thanks for that.
It created a 38 page doc so all I have to do now is figure out how to correct broken symlinks and all the others now.
Good fun what   :D :D
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO