May - December 2018 Screenshot Thread


@PackRat - yes correct Devuan 2.0.x! I trying to trim some fat off and get the size down closer to 500mb!

Vibrantly-Simple-Dark is a nice theme! :)


Indeed. I like the Vibrantly Simple icons - enough colors there to match up with whatever gtk theme the user wants. Not maintained, but doesn't seem to matter for wm's like fluxbox, openbox, jwm, fvwm, i3 (used them for all of those).
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Start Jwm 32bit installed in vbox! Running lxterminal & pcmanfm, and under 100mb used!


Looks good!

That the new default for Star Linux?
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Hi PackRat

Yes that the latest default setup! And no gtk3 or firefox, they're just a little too plump to use as defaults now.



What is the default browser you're using?

Have you seen Basilisk browser? I don't know if it's in the Debian repos; I think it's the successor to Palemoon. I've been using it a bit, pretty nice.
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


epiphany, it's small. And I just need a small browser to display my info page on first start. Firefox is just too big.


Another Windows 10 shot.  Totally sucks.  I haven't used this laptop in months.  (The MSI)

I'll have a scrot shortly of my VSIDO lappy.  It is the stinkpad with 4 GB's of RAM, so VSIDO really screams on it.  Have had a terrible year so far!  Hope it's been good for all of you.  I haven't spoken (IRC or phone) to anyone in a long time.  Oh well, back to the goto lappy...

My goto since the wife is using the MSI...  Thankfully this little ole lappy just screams along with VSIDO!  All I need...
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


Good to see you're up and about.

openbox -

I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


This is my build box, and it's just has a fresh Star OB install!


Quote from: ozitraveller on September 20, 2018, 09:06:39 PM
This is my build box, and it's just has a fresh Star OB install!

Nice, going to be available for download?

fluxbox + jgmenu, polybar, gotop:

I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


It's the current version and already available for download. :)


^ thanks, looks like another quality build.

Green and yellow are a such a pain to theme with; so I figured I try both at once:

I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Quote from: PackRat on October 01, 2018, 04:33:30 PM

Green and yellow are a such a pain to theme with; so I figured I try both at once:

Wow!  You're totally right about that for sure.  Looks really good so far!

Working on the winblows lappy.  Continuously crashes/bluescreens when appx 12 Gb's of RAM use happens.  Just not releasing memory when it is supposed to.  Nothing running and 8 Gb's + used?  Oh well.  Thank goodness for the stinkpad!

Lowest temp so far outside; 24 F.
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous