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Messages - PackRat

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Once again back here...
January 15, 2014, 03:41:27 AM
^^ got that right - I was pretty much the same way with fvwm.
General Support / Re: fbpanel battery bug
January 14, 2014, 08:38:15 PM
@oday -

never used this one myself -

but should work just fine with fbpanel or lxpanel system tray. Works just fine with fluxbox native iconbar and systray -

General Support / Re: Intel Wimax
January 14, 2014, 03:19:51 PM
No problem -

I was doing some more research on this; looks like others have had to install some additional wimax tools to get it working - none of which seem to be in the repos; but sources available on 3rd party sites. Also saw some references to using network-manager since it has wimax support (some posts  - indicate that wimax support needs to be compiled into network-manager with --enable-wimax flag).

There are also references to installing the wimax stack - if that is not default, you might have to compile a custom kernel.

Of course, there is no frackin' HowTo for all this on the Debin wiki or user forum.

Good luck, Amigo.
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2014 Screenshots
January 14, 2014, 12:35:24 AM
^ that will be cool

Sooner or later, I get back to using fvwm -

All fvwm:

with lxpanel:

General Support / Re: fbpanel battery bug
January 13, 2014, 07:53:22 PM
^ I want a date with Nicole Boerner while I wait for that to happen.
General Support / Re: fbpanel battery bug
January 13, 2014, 04:56:24 PM
You'll most likely have to go with xfce4-power-manager, or try something like these -

I'm sure there are others. For the first one, I don't remember if upower is installed by default; it's in the repos.

I haven't tried either of those; that patch seems to be a bit hit-and-miss based on some other forum posts I read.
^ Cool. I've become much more nutrition/vitamin aware since my heart attack (clinically dead for 24 seconds!).

Posting though to add a big +1 for tai chi and yoga. I suffered from lower back pain for years then received a book about tai chi at an office Christmas party - gave it a shot and been pain free for 12 years now. Awesome stuff.
^ I think the smplayer and umplayer projects were merged - recall an anouncement to that effect. I think smplayer started as a fork of umplayer with some added functionality (codecs?) but the devs merged the projects so as not to have the same basic app developed in parallel.
General Support / Re: fbpanel battery bug
January 13, 2014, 03:36:07 PM
Looks to be a patch on that page you linked - did you follow up on that?

Otherwise, you'll have to:

1. find an app that will sit in the system tray you're using - like xfce4-power-manager
2. use tint2 as the panel and use it's battery plugin
3. lxpanel has a battery plugin
4. add battery status to the default conky <-- this would be the simplest solution

lots of options, figure out how how you want to configure your user interface/system and set it up.
General Support / Re: lxpanel covered by the windows
January 13, 2014, 01:41:14 AM
fluxbox layers -

Each layer has a number. The named ones are: 2-AboveDock,
4-Dock, 6-Top, 8-Normal, 10-Bottom, 12-Desktop.

You will want layer 2, 4, or 6 - maybe 8 - to keep lxpanel above the windows.

You should be able to search the forum for the thread where we figured this out to keep lxpanel below the windows. If you remove the layer setting from the ~/.fluxbox/apps file, the settings hakerdefo mentioned should work for you. If you go with fbpanel, that will function as a a panel as well becuse there isn't a setting in the ~/.fluxbox/apps file that manages fbpanel behavior.
General Support / Re: Intel Wimax
January 13, 2014, 01:19:44 AM
Can you take down the wireless with:

ifconfig wlan0 down

then bring up your wmx0?

Are you using ceni? If so, you may be able to set the network interfaces in the /etc/network/interfaces either manually or with ceni - I don't know if ceni has an option not to bring up the interface. On reboot you may then be set.

Actually, now that I think about it some more, assign your wireless an ip address for a network you're not using in your shop/home. Then reboot so wlan0 is not active. You may be able to use ceni or wicd to bring up wmx0.

Something tells me you're going to have to use ceni and the /etc/network/interfaces file to make this work - some old school.
General Support / Re: lxpanel covered by the windows
January 12, 2014, 07:00:46 PM
There was a discussion about this a while back. Open the /home/username/.fluxbox/apps file and see if there is an entry for lxpanel that sets the layer. Comment it out and lxpanel will behave like you want.

Yes you can use fbpanel instead of kxpanel.
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2014 Screenshots
January 12, 2014, 03:33:05 AM
@jedi - nice

cleaning up some fluxbox themes, looking for more interesting fonts today -


Came across this site for fonts - plenty in there I hadn't seen before -
Scripts / Re: vsido console app launcher menu: clapps
January 11, 2014, 05:31:50 PM
Quote from: VastOne on January 10, 2014, 06:30:58 PM
^ HA

Already done it... last night... after discovering inxi did weather for the first time

Here is how I have it in my top conky line

${color 7D8C93}My City ${color 55688A} ${execi 60 inxi -Wxxxxx | cut -c31-34}°

You might have to work on the cut parameters to get yours lined up correctly

Thanks; I was thinking of dropping it into conky too, but I wanted to use awk to get all the "Conditions" so that if it was "sunny" or "scattered thundershowers" it would get the whole field.

back on topic -

tmux #also installable from repos

handy if you also set one of your terminals (like xterm) to be maximized or full screen in the ~/.fluxbox/apps file, then -

xterm -e tmux

starts full screen tmux session.
Scripts / Re: vsido console app launcher menu: clapps
January 10, 2014, 06:20:03 PM
^ I didn't know inxi provided weather info; not to hijack the thread, but how could that info be piped to awk to only get the weather without the time? I can't get it to work.

an ncurses apps -

cdw #cd burning tool, installable from repos