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Messages - McLovin

VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: GMusicBrowser Layouts
February 01, 2013, 06:11:37 PM
I have an issue with one thing on the way the one that launches from the home folder, that being, as some of you know, I use "if" variables to show now playing items in my conkyconfigs, and if there isn't a media player running, it shows a record, and a scroll saying just that, unfortunately, for some reason or another, it doesn't seem to pick up on this version of GMB being running, so my GMB widget is OVER the album and the words that scroll across saying that there is no media player running like in the screenshot below

here is the conky config it is using, in case I did something wrong, but I got the call right out of the sytem monitor, so I'm not too sure what is going on
# - Conky settings - #

background no
update_interval .5
cpu_avg_samples 1
total_run_times 0
override_utf8_locale yes

double_buffer yes
#no_buffers yes

text_buffer_size 10240
imlib_cache_size 10240

minimum_size 270 1000
maximum_width 270

gap_x 25
gap_y 60
# - Text settings - #
use_xft yes
xftfont Antipasto:size=9
xftalpha 1

uppercase no

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment middle_left
#alignment middle_middle
#alignment middle_right
#alignment top_middle
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment bottom_middle

# - Color settings - #
color0 888888 #mid gray
color1 FF0000 #red
color2 09FF00 #bright green
color3 007EFF #bright blue
color4 E3E3E3 #very light gray
color5 FF6E00 #an orange shade
color6 CA8718 #a dust like color
color7 FFE500 #a darker yellow color
color8 C3FF00 #lime green
color9 2A95B4 #sky blue
default_color c3c3c3
default_shade_color gray
default_outline_color black
# - Create own window instead of using desktop (required in all file-managers, other than caja) - #
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_colour gray
own_window_class Conky
own_window_title Conky

border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0

# - Graphics settings - #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 0
draw_graph_borders no
#default_bar_size 150 20
## Load Lua for bargraphs (required)
## Set the path to your script here.
lua_load ~/chrono-9000-xfce/scripts/bargraph.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre main_bars
lua_load ~/chrono-9000-xfce/scripts/egraph.lua
lua_draw_hook_post main_graph

   Core System ${hr 2}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}i${font}${voffset -6}${goto 32}${execi 2600 cat /etc/}${alignr}on: ${nodename}
${goto 6}${voffset 6}${font xspiralmental:size=14}E${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}Kernel:$alignr$kernel (${execi 3600 uname -m})
${goto 6}${voffset 5}${font StyleBats:size=14}o${font}${voffset -5}${goto 32}Uptime:${alignr}${uptime}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}q${font}${voffset -6}${goto 32}Processes:${alignr}$processes ($running_processes running)
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}J${font}${voffset -2}${goto 32}Updates:${alignr}${color FF452A}${execi 600 aptitude search "~U" | wc -l | tail}${color}  available updates
${voffset 2}${goto 6}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${voffset -4}${goto 28}CPU: ${exec cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -m 1 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //' | cut -c1-5} ${exec cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -m 1 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //' | cut -c10-13}-${exec cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -m 1 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //' | cut -c19-20} ${exec cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -m 1 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //' | cut -c34-36}${alignr}GFX: ${exec lspci | grep VGA | cut -c62-76}
${goto 6}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${voffset -4}${goto 28}CPU-1: ${freq_g 0}Gh ${cpu cpu0}%
${goto 6}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${voffset -4}${goto 28}CPU-2: ${freq_g 1}Gh ${cpu cpu1}%
${goto 6}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${voffset -4}${goto 28}CPU-3: ${freq_g 2}Gh ${cpu cpu2}%
${goto 6}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${voffset -4}${goto 28}CPU-4: ${freq_g 3}Gh ${cpu cpu3}%
${voffset 8}${goto 28} Core System Temperatures:     
${image ~/chrono-9000-xfce/therm.png -p 6,222 -s 20x20}${voffset 8}${goto 28}CPU: ${color FF452A}${execi 30 sensors | grep "Core 0" | cut -d "+" -f2 | cut -c1-3} °c${color}     
${image ~/chrono-9000-xfce/therm.png -p 6,244 -s 20x20}${voffset 8}${goto 28}Mobo: ${color FF452A}${execi 30 sensors | grep 'temp2' | cut -c16-18} °c${color}     
${image ~/chrono-9000-xfce/therm.png -p 6,263 -s 20x20}${voffset 8}${goto 28}GFX: ${color FF452A}${nvidia temp} °c${color}
${goto 6}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=16}j${font}${voffset -4}${goto 25}CPU Fan: ${color 2A95B4}${exec sensors | grep "fan1:" | cut -c12-21}$color
${goto 6}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=16}j${font}${voffset -4}${goto 25}Case Fan: ${color 2A95B4}${exec sensors | grep "fan2:" | cut -c14-21}$color
${goto 6}${voffset 12}${font Poky:size=14}M${font}${voffset -8}${goto 32}RAM: ${mem}${voffset -4}${alignr}
${voffset 4}${goto 32}Total: ${memmax}
${goto 7.5}${voffset 4}${font Poky:size=15}a${font}${goto 32}${voffset -10}Highest:${goto 153}CPU${alignr}RAM
${goto 32}${voffset -5.5}${hr 1}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}${top name 1} ${goto 150}${top cpu 1}${alignr }${top mem 1}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}${top name 2} ${goto 150}${top cpu 2}${alignr }${top mem 2}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}${top name 3} ${goto 150}${top cpu 3}${alignr }${top mem 3}
${voffset -1}${goto 32}${top name 4} ${goto 150}${top cpu 4}${alignr }${top mem 4}
${voffset -1}   File Systems ${hr 2}
${goto 3}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=14}y${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Root:${alignr}Total Size ${fs_size /}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /}${alignr}Used: ${fs_used /} / ${fs_used_perc /}%
${goto 3}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=14}y${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Home:${alignr}Total Size ${fs_size /home}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /home}${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_used_perc /home}%
${goto 3}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=14}y${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} LShared:${alignr}Total Size ${fs_size /home/mclovin/LShared}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /home/mclovin/LShared}${alignr}Used: ${fs_used /home/mclovin/LShared} / ${fs_used_perc /home/mclovin/LShared}%
${goto 3}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=14}y${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Linux-Files:${alignr}Total Size ${fs_size /home/mclovin/Linux-Files}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /home/mclovin/Linux-Files}${alignr}Used: ${fs_used /home/mclovin/Linux-Files} / ${fs_used_perc /home/mclovin/Linux-Files}%
${goto 3}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=14}y${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Media:${alignr}Total Size ${fs_size /home/mclovin/Media}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /home/mclovin/Media}${alignr}Used: ${fs_used /home/mclovin/Media} / ${fs_used_perc /home/mclovin/Media}%
${goto 3}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=14}y${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Videos:${alignr}Total Size ${fs_size /home/mclovin/Videos}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /home/mclovin/Videos}${alignr}Used: ${fs_used /home/mclovin/Videos} / ${fs_used_perc /home/mclovin/Videos}%
${goto 3}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=20}h${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}Disk Activity: ${diskio}${alignr}${voffset -10}${diskiograph 18,150 00D7FF FF452A -l -t}
${image ~/chrono-9000-xfce/therm.png -p 6,625 -s 20x20}${voffset}${goto 40}Drive Temps:      SDa: ${color FF452A}${exec hddtemp /dev/sda -n --unit=C}°c${color}      SDb: ${color FF452A}${exec hddtemp /dev/sdb -n --unit=C}°c${color}      SDc: ${color FF452A}${exec hddtemp /dev/sdc -n --unit=C}°c${color}
# |--eth0
${if_up eth0}${voffset 4}   Network      active interface:  ${gw_iface} ${hr 2}
${color FF452A}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=16}M${color}${font}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Up: ${upspeedf eth0}${font}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}Total: ${totalup eth0}
${voffset 5}${color 2A95B4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=16}S${color}${font}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Down: ${downspeedf eth0}${font}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}Total: ${totaldown eth0}
${voffset 5}${font Poky:size=13}w${font}${goto 32}${voffset -10}Router IP:   ${gw_ip}${alignr}Local IP:   ${addr eth0}
${goto 32}Public IP: ${alignr}${execi 300 wget -q -O - | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//'}
# |--ETH1
${else}${if_up eth1}${voffset 4}   Network      active interface:  ${gw_iface} ${hr 2}
${color FF452A}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=16}M${color}${font}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Up: ${upspeedf eth1}${font}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}Total: ${totalup eth1}
${voffset 5}${color 2A95B4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=16}S${color}${font}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Down: ${downspeedf eth1}${font}
${voffset -2}${goto 32}Total: ${totaldown eth1}
${voffset 5}${font Poky:size=13}w${font}${goto 32}${voffset -10}Router IP:   ${gw_ip}${alignr}Local IP:   ${addr eth1}
${goto 32}Public IP: ${alignr}${execi 300 wget -q -O - | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//'}${endif}${endif}
${if_running rhythmbox}${voffset -1}  ♫ Rhythmbox is ${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=ST} ${hr 2}
${font Antipasto:size=14}${goto 120}${scroll 40 ${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=TI}}
${goto 120}by: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=AR}}
${goto 120}off of: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=AL}}
#${voffset 4}${goto 120}${color 2A95B4}${execibar 1 conkyRhythmbox --datatype=PP}${color}
${font Antipasto:bold:size=14}${voffset 12}${goto 140}${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=PT}/${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=LE} - ${exec conkyRhythmbox --datatype=PP}%$font
${execi 4 cp "`conkyRhythmbox --datatype=CA | sed -e 's/\\\//g'`" ~/.album}${image ~/.album -p 5,765 -s 100x90 -n}
${else}${if_running clementine}${voffset -1}  ♫ Clementine is ${exec conkyClementine --datatype=ST} ${hr 2}
${font Antipasto:size=14}${goto 120}${scroll 40 ${exec conkyClementine --datatype=TI}}
${goto 120}by: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyClementine --datatype=AR}}
${goto 120}off of: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyClementine --datatype=AL}}
#${voffset 4}${goto 120}${color 2A95B4}${execibar 1 conkyClementine --datatype=PP}${color}
${font Antipasto:bold:size=14}${voffset 12}${goto 140}${exec conkyClementine --datatype=PT}/${exec conkyClementine --datatype=LE} - ${exec conkyClementine --datatype=PP}%$font
${execi 4 cp "`conkyClementine --datatype=CA | sed -e 's/\\\//g'`" ~/.album}${image ~/.album -p 5,765 -s 100x90 -n}
${else}${if_running banshee}${voffset -1}  ♫ Banshee is ${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=ST} ${hr 2}
${font Antipasto:size=14}${goto 120}${scroll 40 ${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=TI}}
${goto 120}by: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=AR}}
${goto 120}off of: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=AL}}
#${voffset 4}${goto 120}${color 2A95B4}${execibar 1 conkyBanshee --datatype=PP}${color}
${font Antipasto:bold:size=14}${voffset 12}${goto 140}${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=PT}/${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=LE} - ${exec conkyBanshee --datatype=PP}%$font
${execi 4 cp "`conkyBanshee --datatype=CA | sed -e 's/\\\//g'`" ~/.album}${image ~/.album -p 5,765 -s 100x90 -n}
${else}${if_running guayadeque}${voffset -1}  ♫ Guayadeque is ${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=ST} ${hr 2}
${font Antipasto:size=14}${goto 120}${scroll 40 ${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=TI}}
${goto 120}by: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=AR}}
${goto 120}off of: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=AL}}
#${voffset 4}${goto 120}${color 2A95B4}${execibar 1 conkyGuayadeque --datatype=PP}${color}
${font Antipasto:bold:size=14}${voffset 12}${goto 140}${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=PT}/${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=LE} - ${exec conkyGuayadeque --datatype=PP}%$font
${execi 4 cp "`conkyGuayadeque --datatype=CA | sed -e 's/\\\//g'`" ~/.album}${image ~/.album -p 5,765 -s 100x90 -n}
${else}${if_running exaile}${voffset -1}  ♫ Exaile is ${exec conkyExaile --datatype=ST} ${hr 2}
${font Antipasto:size=14}${goto 120}${scroll 40 ${exec conkyExaile --datatype=TI}}
${goto 120}by: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyExaile --datatype=AR}}
${goto 120}off of: ${scroll 40 ${exec conkyExaile --datatype=AL}}
#${voffset 4}${goto 120}${color 2A95B4}${execibar 1 conkyExaile --datatype=PP}${color}
${font Antipasto:bold:size=14}${voffset 12}${goto 140}${exec conkyExaile --datatype=PT}/${exec conkyExaile --datatype=LE} - ${exec conkyExaile --datatype=PP}%$font
${execi 4 cp "`conkyExaile --datatype=CA | sed -e 's/\\\//g'`" ~/.album}${image ~/.album -p 5,765 -s 100x90 -n}
${else}${if_running gmusicbrowser}
${else}${image ~/chrono-9000-xfce/vinylrec.png -p 25,750 -s 250x250 -n}${font Antipasto:pixelsize=30}${scroll 28 Media Player Not Currently Running}${font}
${image /home/mclovin/Pictures/Linux-Pics/logos/vsido/orbwallpaperblue.png -p 75,20 -s 90x90}

the blankness after the GMB entries is there to create an empty area for the widgets. It works no issues at all with the normally installed version GMB, but I like the updated one a bit, I like bleeding edge, I WANT TO SEE MY BLOOD!
Anyone have any ideas whats going on? Am I missing something somewhere?
Confused in Conkyville.
Scripts / Re: Family Guy fortunes for fortune-mo
February 01, 2013, 04:13:13 PM
no problem, I might make more, or something else, or maybe just blow up the system, we'll see lol
Scripts / Family Guy fortunes for fortune-mo
February 01, 2013, 08:00:53 AM
Here is an archive with a bunch of quotes from "The Family Guy" for fortunes, so obviously, you must have fortunes installed on your system. I take no credit for finding these quotes, they came from the family guy quotes list in UberScript for X-Chat, I just formatted them lines to work in fortune-mod, and created the needed files for fortune to read them. To install them you just have to extract the archive and place all 3 files in the /usr/share/games/fortunes folder then, to use the the Family Guy fortunes, just type into terminal fortune FG

For some reason or another they wont work directly as a /exec in irc, (at least not on X-Chat) so if you want use these in irc you're gonna have to make a macro, or in the case of X-Chat, (my irc client of choice) i use an "autoreplace" line, so I go to

  • Settings
  • Advanced
  • Autoreplace
click on "Add New", and you will a new shortcut/autoreplace popup and just set what ever you want your trigger to be, example, I use "FG", so in the box that says "*NEW*" I enter "FG" (no quotes),  and in the box that says "EDIT ME", i have "/exec -o fortune FG" (again, no quotes) here is a screeenshot of what it looks like in my autoreplace
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: Forum Design Challenge
January 24, 2013, 11:06:00 AM
Quote from: jst_joe on January 17, 2013, 12:44:51 AM
Quote from: VastOne on January 16, 2013, 05:27:25 PM
Reminds me of some trips I took in my younger days ... with the help of some shrooms.  :o :o

Having grown up in L.A. in the late 60's, 70's and early 80's I know that feeling all too well.  ???

sounds like my high school right on through my college years, and then a few years after that, and about a decade after that.............
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2013 Screenshots
January 24, 2013, 10:47:08 AM
Quote from: jedi on January 23, 2013, 11:47:57 PM
OK, so I'm calling this one "Cold Art"!  Check the top line of the scrolling alert in this scrot of arclance's weather script I'm using;

Please send blankets!!!   ;D

what do you expect? you live in northern Maine, it's usually about 38 degrees 9n mid july there lol
Quote from: dizzie on January 23, 2013, 09:33:34 AM
Great! now i have boobs on my screen!
I struggle to see the downside here.
oh great, I gotta start making wallpapers now too, ugh, between conki, and wallpapers, im never gonna sleep
I'm sorry, but I think this is one of the gayest comments I have ever seen in my life
"Borrowed my butt!
I put it here for all to enjoy, I'm just glad you like it.  ;)"
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2013 Screenshots
January 22, 2013, 10:58:17 PM
Thank you, I added the updated chrono-9000 to my website and made a post on it with the download link to it, if you're interested, you can see it at
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2013 Screenshots
January 22, 2013, 07:19:59 PM
New XFCE setup, can't believe I've actually been using XFCE more than MATE lately, (no bashing please). Still using my Chrono-9000 conky config, why mess with perfection lol. I'm using AWN for the bottom bar, and tittles for the programs on the XFCE4-Panel at the top for launchers, and yes I use compiz, I have a beast of a machine, why let all that horsepower go to waste, besides, I have ADD and like shiny things, teehee. And yes, I'm using my own kernel with the CK1, and BFS patches applied, and I based it off the Liquorx kernel.
VSIDO Discussions / Re: VSIDO Thoughts
January 17, 2013, 02:06:31 AM
well, I feel very bloated, and must go piss on the wall, and I bet I can piss higher up on the wall that anyone else here, who wants to challenge that?
VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: GMusicBrowser Layouts
January 17, 2013, 01:58:22 AM
Ich danke Ihnen herr
Introductions / Re: Hello, again lol
January 14, 2013, 10:49:12 PM
Quote from: VastOne on January 14, 2013, 05:27:26 PM
Welcome (again) McLovin    ;D

Please excuse the mess, we are doing the best we can!
No worries, at least you're staying on top of things. Is there an IRC channel? If not, I could create one on the spotchat network that we could use. Maybe IU'll make a seperate post about it for people to vote on?
I just tried to dl the configs from dropbox and got an error
Nothing Here
The file you are looking for has been deleted or moved.

did you move the files?
I have found an issue when trying to install the proprietary Nvidia drivers, as the linux header files are in a non standard location in Vsido, (or it seems that they are in my experiences). The kernel.k file that is need for the Nvidia driver installer, is located at /usr/include/linux, but the installer is looking for them in the standard /usr/src/linux/include/linux directory. The workaround for this is NOT to use the --kernel-source-path variable, as it does not work for some reason, the best way that I have found is to make a symlink in the /usr/src directory by issuing the command ln -s /usr/include/ /usr/src/linux/ as root, that creates the needed path for the nvidia .run file to be able to find the needed the kernel.k file. Hope this helps anyone who had the same issue I had, took me a few to figure out what the issue was, but once I did, it was kind of like a "duh" moment to create the symlink. Then again, I am running my own custom kernel, but it still puts the headers in an odd location to me.