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Messages - busprof

VSIDO Discussions / Re: Theme Discussion
February 10, 2013, 09:27:45 PM
I like the new theme, especially in my preferred browser -

Seriously - looks great VastOne.  I like the hashed entry fields, as well.
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2013 Screenshots
January 21, 2013, 02:55:38 AM
Today's - with VastOne's world map background.

It seems to me that a previous livearp release had Window Maker along with the other WMs included.  Linuxbbq's "Oyster" (maybe?) also has - or had - Window Maker + a baziilion or so other WMs.   I wonder why the livarp developer(s) dropped Window Maker?
In Linux communities like this, sooner or later someone will start a "my WM is lighter than your WM" thread.  Might as well be me this time :)

My primary WM is and has been Window Maker for a good long while now.  I know I'm in a distinct minority, but there are a number of reasons for my preference, and the "lightness" of Window Maker is just one.  I've been working on a recent Debian Wheezy netinstall on an older laptop, and I happened to check resource use with htop a few minutes ago.  Here's a screenshot of the output:

That's right, friends - 88Mb!  I've used i3 and some other very light WMs, and I don't recall seeing anything much less, even with all the bells and whistles Window Maker provides compared with the tilers out there.  Granted, this is with only a few applications / services running (two terminal instances, htop, a weather app, an acpi monitor and a few of the usual background things that are largely unavoidable) but really, if you are looking for a light WM - why not Window Maker?

Anyway, I've started the "how low can you go" thread, so I guess the VSIDO forum is on its way to maturity, right? :)
Artwork & Screenshots / Re: January 2013 Screenshots
January 17, 2013, 02:37:37 AM
Seems that we've got a number of non-XFCE window managers in use, so I don't feel too out-of-place posting this.  Here's Window Maker using falldown's wood-debian-glass-cyan wallpaper:

gtk theme is ShikiJetBlack

Window Maker theme is from Urukrama

Thanks, falldown, for the outstanding artwork.

The Window Maker installation is straight Debian Wheezy, built up from a standard netinstall image by me.