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Messages - vitforlinux


pl ntnet gratis

I created the xdgmenumaker 2.1 deb package which allows you to have the dynamic menu, and with some tricks in your own language.

This is my ~/.fluxbox/menu now

# This is an automatically generated file.
# Please see <file:/usr/share/doc/menu/README> for information.
# to use your own menu, copy this to ~/.fluxbox/menu, then edit
# ~/.fluxbox/init and change the session.menuFile path to ~/.fluxbox/menu
[begin] (VSIDO Fluxbox)
    [separator] (--------)
    [exec] (Run Program) {xfce4-appfinder --collapsed} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/gnome-run.png>
    [exec] (Terminal) {launch xfce4-terminal} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/xfce-terminal.png>
    [exec] (Firefox) {launch firefox} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/firefox.png>
    [exec] (SpaceFM) {launch spacefm} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/file-manager.png>
    [separator] (--------)
    [submenu] (Fluxbox) {Settings} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
        [config] (Fluxbox Menu) </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
        [workspaces] (Workspaces) </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
        [submenu] (Fluxbox Styles) </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
            [stylesdir] (/usr/share/fluxbox/styles)
            [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
        [reconfig] (Reload Fluxbox Config) </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
        [restart] (Restart Fluxbox) </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
        [exec] (About Fluxbox) {(fluxbox -v; fluxbox -info | sed 1d) | xmessage -file - -center} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
        [exit] (Exit Desktop) </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/fluxbox.png>
    [separator] (--------)
    [include] (~/.fluxbox/xdg_menu)
    [exec] (Update Fluxbox Menu) {xdgmenumaker -nif fluxbox > ~/.fluxbox/xdg_menu}</usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/gparted.png>
    [separator] (--------)
    [exec] (Exit) {/usr/bin/vsido-exit} </usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps/shutdown.png>

Quote from: VastOne on August 11, 2023, 10:34:00 PM
Quote from: vitforlinux on August 10, 2023, 12:59:05 PMYes, no problems, I used MX Linux 21.3, then RhinoLinux Grub (Ubuntu 23.10)... best grub: start Artix and Void.

I've refrained from writing a mini guide on my blog, maybe Vsido isn't for everyone. Many would find that Linux runs badly without realizing that a Sid-based distro has some problems from time to time.

Meh, it is all in the end users hands and I believe our target audience is those that have been around the block a few times .. At the same time we are also aware that any user wanting to use this one (or any distro) can have a forum and several decades of expertise to help with anything. Me personally, I have always believed SID to be maligned as the problem child when in reality it is as good as anything that a good backup can restore

Clearly you don't know the laziness of users accustomed to "either everything works perfectly or it's crap" as I do. When I think of who gave me a headache because the desktop background and the color of the icons had changed, I still feel bad today.

And if it comes to using the terminal it takes Einstein or Iron Man of your choice, and that all this is within the reach of normal people seems impossible to him.

Think I know people who call the technician to push the antivirus button. And I said it all.

The installation of VSIDO is the simplest ever seen, a command in the terminal is enough, provided you indicate the right image and the right partition in which to write it and then a grub, which can be from another distribution already installed, or chroot-rescue-scan from MX Linux, to enter the partition and manage it.

I was thinking about "How to use MX Linux to install VSIDO in 4 steps" It seems to me much easier than it takes to install Debian... yet it succeeds to many.
Quote from: PackRat on August 10, 2023, 12:47:52 AMThat's impressive, but I was just referring to the installation of VSIDO itself. Did the installation from the fsarchive go well?

Yes, no problems, I used MX Linux 21.3, then RhinoLinux Grub (Ubuntu 23.10)... best grub: start Artix and Void.

I've refrained from writing a mini guide on my blog, maybe Vsido isn't for everyone. Many would find that Linux runs badly without realizing that a Sid-based distro has some problems from time to time.
Quote from: PackRat on August 08, 2023, 11:05:37 PMNice.

How did the installation go?


Step One JGmenu... ala Vit

sudo apt uppdate && sudo apt install jgmenu && jgmenu_run init --theme=archlabs_1803 && jgmenu_run init --apply-gtktheme && sed -i 's/position_mode        = fixed/position_mode        = pointer/g' ~/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc &&  sed -i 's/font                 = Ubuntu 12px/font                 = Ubuntu 16px/g' ~/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc

then add to tint2conf

Step Two Add MX 23 repo... need for xfdashboard

wget && sudo apt install ./mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb && echo "deb bookworm main non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mxlinux.list && echo -e "Package: *\nPin: release a=mx\nPin-Priority: 100" | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/mxlinux && sudo apt update && sudo apt install mx-packageinstaller
Step Tree Hot corners with xfdashboard

mkdir ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/

echo "[Hot Corners]" > ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "top_left_corner_command = xfdashboard" >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "top_right_corner_command = " >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "bottom_left_corner_command = " >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "bottom_right_corner_command = " >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "polling_interval = 0.4" >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "corner_delay = 0.2" >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc
echo "bounce_distance = 40" >>  ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc

sudo apt install python3-xlib wmctrl xdotool xfdashboard && wget -P /tmp && chmod +x /tmp/bl-hotcorners-python3 && sudo mv /tmp/bl-hotcorners-python3 /usr/local/bin/ && echo -e "\n\n\t now add bl-hotcorners-python3 -d to autostart\n\n"

Step Four Ulauncher (for Ubuntu)

wget && sudo apt install ./ulauncher*.deb
Then add ulauncher & to ~/.fluxbox/startup

Step Five lightpad (another program search)

wget && sudo apt install ./lightpad*.deb
My ~/.config/bl-hotcorners/bl-hotcornersrc (xdotool key super+d is for iconize window... not default)

[Hot Corners]
top_left_corner_command = xfdashboard -t
top_right_corner_command = com.github.libredeb.lightpad
bottom_left_corner_command = ulauncher-toggle   
bottom_right_corner_command = xdotool key super+d
polling_interval = 0.2
corner_delay = 0.2
bounce_distance = 40

Good luck!
I like to annoy distros and change them a bit.
I added JGmenu, MX Linux repos, magic corners(bl-hotcorners-python3 -d
), xfdashboard, ulauncher, lightpad.