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Topics - zephyr

I've Got a Life / Happy Fathers Day
June 17, 2018, 10:24:43 PM
Doing a drive by and wishing all a Happy Fathers Day!  :)

Rarely post these days but assure everyone I do visit daily, VSIDO is one of my most favored distros!   :P

Happy Holiday



Feedback & Suggestions / VSIDO latest build 16Aug2017
August 18, 2017, 12:27:15 PM
Greetings Vger! Everybody!

Exceptional build, very smooth install to metal with zero issues.  8)

Reboot to login very fast, like a bat out of hell!
Using Connman for network manager, works quite well.


I've Got a Life / Happy New Year!
January 01, 2017, 12:52:11 PM
Wish all the great folks with the VSIDO dev team the best for the coming year, and best wishes to all the forum users!

Happy New Year!

General Support / live-boot-initramfs-tools conflict
February 22, 2016, 05:15:25 AM
Installed to metal and all went well, reboot to visdo-welcome and completed. Reboot and re-ran d-u (often do on a fresh install) and initramfs-tools was prompted to update, y and then error code 1. Ran check and live-boot-initramfs-tools was installed. My guess this is a conflict and maybe live-hook the culprit. Removed live-boot-initramfs-tools and rebooted, and ran d-u, all clear and works as should with no errors.

Also Pithos failed and found the pithos file located in /usr/local/bin prevents it from running, commented it out and now works. Puzzled with why on that.
Thank you!

I've Got a Life / It is Christmas
December 23, 2015, 08:30:23 PM
Wish all the forum and their loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy  New Year. - Z

I've Got a Life / Thankgiving
November 26, 2015, 08:43:13 PM
Wish all a very Happy Thanksgiving.
I've Got a Life / High Time We Went
October 22, 2015, 02:36:12 AM
The "posse" and I relocated to Lake Ellsworth in SW Ok, sizable lake with fishing dock and boat ramps very close, right down the street. Peaceful, very quiet with an acre parcel to maybe have a garden this spring. Haven't gardened in decades, should use the word "attempt".

Fishing will be in the near future, just have to get my tackle and gear ready.

Feedback & Suggestions / VSIDO-64-06JUL2015
July 07, 2015, 06:04:49 AM
@VSIDO@VastOne:  Installed to metal, no issues what so ever, other than wicd. Ceni is doing it's job and got internet. Everything looks great, works great as advertised. Job well done, persistence and determination. Thank you-zephyr
Feedback & Suggestions / Contaminated USB Drive
May 16, 2015, 03:07:21 AM
@VastOne: Congrats on the 14May2015 build, it was not a uneventful install. After 3 failed attempts, using several USB drives, 3 HDD's, I concluded the following day (today) to use a DVD instead and make a final effort to install, worked as advertised, dist-upgrade and all worked well, installed to metal. I use GParted and for some reason it was not fully formatting the USB drives, 3 in a row leaving I believe UEFI info behind, causing complete havoc on a very modern but Legacy running PC.  Once I completed the first install and consecutive  I would close one door on the drive bay, and use it to transfer files to VSIDO,  reboot and select the drive and end up at the log-in. This is when everything was weird, a default fluxbox, menu, etc,  with tool bar at bottom, and when I went to access the file manager, it was displaying the other drive. No trace of VSIDO at all.  I have no clue to what caused this, not my PC, and not VSIDO, but as I see it, a contaminated USB, not one but three because I do play around with net-installs, a lot. Gparted isn't working correctly, so will find a solution or keep using DVD, or see if GParted works from a disk instead from my other distro.  So, tell this little story in hopes it may help someone else which might run across this odd phenomena that could damage a machine, understand and read that UEFI and Legacy can't play well together on the same mobo. My only explanation? Works great now, and thank you VastOne, and all the forum members who helped get this release past some bumps in the road. -zephyr   
I've Got a Life / "The Posse"
April 19, 2015, 07:35:07 PM
Couldn't resist adding the "posse" into the forum. Three Shih Tzu's which two are are mine, the mother to the right of the photo has been a guest in my home for the past two years while the owner is away in another city for school. Never was a small dog person until I received Geneva (white) as a gift, family Boxer moved with my daughter and grandsons. Sophia (black and white-blue eyes)came a year later and only surviver of a failed litter. These dogs are a sturdy, robust breed, keen to intrusion, and property perimeters. Grained based dog foods are really not fit for their diet in case anyone thinks of getting a Tzu. They are a high maintanence dog, but worth their weight in gold for their loyalty, and constant need of contact with their owner.  They are known in the neighborhood  as the "Posse". - zephyr
Feedback & Suggestions / March17, 2015 Vsido Iso
March 18, 2015, 06:55:42 AM
VastOne, jedi, and the .org has put together to what I believe the best VSIDO distro yet. For what ever reason, faster, and absolutely no lag or pause in the install, really an excellent release, it keeps getting better each and every time. I keep a list of my personal  apps now, copy and paste in the terminal, I'm basically done.   I'm very pleased, VSIDO fluxbox is the finest  OS anyone could want or expect form a distro. I have absolutely no clue what is involved from one release to the next, but conceive that it is a painstaking task. All I can say is thank you greatly. Jedi, I do appreciate the download hosting, about 1.5 MB per second. fast also. -zephyr
VSIDO News & Announcements / Crunchbang
February 08, 2015, 11:35:14 AM
Sad news about Crunchbang, but do respect Mr. Philip Newborough's decision on not going any further with the distro. Essentially is dead now. I know many folks who use VSIDO also use Crunchbang, I do.  There is a statement he posted in the Crunchbang forum on his reasons why he is quitting. -zephyr
Feedback & Suggestions / Startup & PolKit
January 03, 2015, 11:45:23 PM
Would like to address a particular aspect of the " /home/urname/.fluxbox/startup" missing a command line script regarding the ability to access multiple drives regardless of file manager being used. The script I added to startup is " /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &". I had believed for the longest time that this problem was related to the "/etc/PolicyKit & /etc/polkit-1". I mirrored Crunchbang's startup file to see what might be different, and that line was what I found.  I also have two Debian Testing distro's which I have added fluxbox and openbox, both have the script added to startup file by default. Don't want to steer anyone in the wrong direction, so would like someone to take a look at this. Thanks. zephyr
Artwork & Screenshots / January 2015 Screenshots
January 01, 2015, 08:49:54 AM
I sincerely hope all the community had a safe and joyous New Year celebration. I stayed home, weather is miserable. So, I had been playing around with VSIDO and decided to see what it would be like as an openbox distro. It is every bit as excellent as fluxbox. No one does fluxbox better than VSIDO, and I am a #! user, and it is the best openbox. The look and feel to VSIDO openbox is almost identical. I used a different menu than #!, but a lot of it's attributes I carried into the obmenu. Great results. So, I'm posting both screenshots.   
I've Got a Life / Just retired, now what?
November 21, 2014, 04:00:35 AM
I retired a couple of months ago, didn't see the need to go to a much enjoyed job, money wise. So, I spend my time with four grandchildren, all under eight to three years and smart enough to keep me on my toes. I also have three ShihTzu's which are constant companions, and are affectionately know as the "Rabid Tzu's  Posse" in the neighborhood. They bark at anything, but great security for a lock and load event. Enjoy working on the on going 1969 MGBGT, although finished, I seek improvements and will maybe pull that 4 cyl. out for a small block V8. Good winter time project for me and the car. I too enjoy fishing, mostly off of Galveston, Texas or Monterey Calif. but locally stay away from lakes and stream fishing because of the farm chemical run off. I have been to North Georgia, did some stream trout fishing. it was plentiful.  Friends tell me that the lake country in around Missouri and Arkansas is great. Golf, I'm not good at golf, the courses were a great place to party back in the sixties and early seventies, stayed out of the eye of the local authorities.  Gave up windumb about a year ago, first #! and then found VSIDO recently, spend a lot of time at my computer as well. Trying to learn Linux beyond the normal user portion, plenty of info to read and ebooks are plentiful.  That is it, for being retired. I'm also into a longtime passion for photography, the digital world has made it incredible. Here are a few of my car, maybe not everyone knows what a MGBGT is. zephyr