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Messages - VastOne

Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.9.10-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchiver to get VSIDO installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added

Thank you Dizzie for the download site updates and work!
Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.9.7-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchiver to get VSIDO installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added
Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.8.12-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchiver to get VSIDO installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added
Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.8.11-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchiver to get VSIDO installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added
Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.8.9-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchive to get this installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added
Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.7.12-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here

There is also a How To on how to effectively use fsarchive to get this installed

There is a current a package list that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added
VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: New download site
April 30, 2024, 05:33:57 PM
Got it.. In and now uploading!
VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: New download site
April 30, 2024, 05:31:31 PM
I don't have anything new there. Was it something you already sent that I have missed?
VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: New download site
April 29, 2024, 09:47:52 PM
Anybody seen or heard from dizzie lately?
VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: New download site
April 27, 2024, 07:57:31 PM
Quote from: dizzie on April 22, 2024, 06:22:08 AMShould be approx 10x faster now also  8)

Going to gives me 970, so we're good, will set up a user for you later, but I'm getting hammered by bots on port 22, so I'll change that to something stupid like 22960 or whatever :)

Bots are so stupid and annoying :)

And, you're welcome!

Trying to get in today to upload the new FSA's but I am having no luck connecting I am guessing it is because of no user or new port. I tried 22960 and it failed too
VSIDO News & Announcements / Re: New download site
April 19, 2024, 12:25:54 AM
Thank you dizzie! It is really appreciated!
Quote from: DeepDayze on April 18, 2024, 01:41:59 PMBummer. Fsarchiver as a backup/restore tool for BTRFS then is no bueno. There should be some sort of override so that you can restore a BTRFS .fsa with its original UUID.

It's really a security feature to make sure that you don't have multiple instances of the same UUID booting.. IMO, the ext4 part should do the same but does now.

You could try this format above using the uuid you want to see if it would work, I never tried to restore with the exact same uuid, it may be possible. I'll test this as well
General Support / Re: smxi
April 16, 2024, 01:17:29 AM
There are 3 things IMO that should always be done and we detail them in the How To on the FSArchive page specifically with the following steps of 8 and 9

These things should be done once you boot and are logged into the new install the first time

8: Create your own user and /home

sudo adduser yourusername
9: Give sudo rights to your new user

sudo usermod -aG sudo yourusername
and the 3rd and equally most critical thing is to change the root PW to what you want it to be by doing this as root, so you might want to do this first.

passwd root
As RatMan pointed out, you definitely don't want to run a system as root.. as seasoned as some of us are here (RatMan, Jedi, Luke, dizzie and myself) we would never run as root all the time
In most of the layouts I have created for GMusicBrowser I have the double click option set to insert the desired track at the top of the queue instead of directly playing it. Jedi has asked on the IRC how to change that to option to play  it directly so I am going to detail it here

In whatever layout file you are using and in your favorite editor, find every instance of activate=queueinsert and replace it with PlayItem

Save the file and restart GmusicBrowser and you are set

I have also attached the edited file that Jedi needs