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Messages - Kilroy

The video is not from me .... There aren't many videos about vsido, but I thought it might be interesting to see how others feel about vsido. I use vsido only since recently and I can't judge everything yet.
I don't know if this is the right place to post, but here is a YouTube review of vsido:
General Support / Re: n00b Question
May 19, 2018, 07:30:20 AM
Wasn't just a guess. You have posted many screenshots of Void and in your github configuration files you also have some for ArchLabs.

I'm not quite as adventurous as you are. After sidux I switched directly to Crunchbang and a world collapsed when Philip announced the end. By the way, interesting to see that almost every openbox distribution now looks like a Crunchbang clone ^^
General Support / Re: n00b Question
May 18, 2018, 12:46:00 PM
Quote from: PackRat on May 17, 2018, 11:34:05 PM
I've used it extensively in the past [...]

I keep a usb with the current VSIDO as a rescue/travel distro.

Which system are you using productively now? Void? ArchLabs? I'll ask out of curiosity...
General Support / Re: n00b Question
May 17, 2018, 10:30:22 PM
Sounds excellent. I think I'll give vsido a chance right on metal this weekend (as time and family permits). Another question about the community.... if I browse the forum a little you might think that vsido is worn by both of you. Or is this impression deceptive?

- K.
General Support / n00b Question
May 17, 2018, 04:52:54 PM
Hello, everybody,

I've only tried vsido live so far, but what I see I like. However, I also plan to use Linux productively, in my professional environment. Every RR distribution, no matter if sid or Arch (etc.) brings with it the danger that the system will be broken during an upgrade. The last time I used a Debian sid based distribution was at the time of sidux, almost 10 years ago. What are your experiences with stability? I am looking for a distribution that is lightweight and has a friendly community to contact in case of problems.

- K.