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Messages - pavroo

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: VSIDO installer
October 05, 2016, 04:12:18 PM
QuoteDo you think that Calamares being developed by developers of Arch based distributions pays little attention to compatibility with other distributions?
They already posted info that, other distros devs should/could implement the new features in the specific distro way and let the Calamamares devs know about that. Then they will implement the other distros changes into the main line of the installer.

QuoteI think you have another installer system beside live-installer on sparky, don't you? I think it's called advanced installer
I forked the Sparky Advanced Installed of the Remastersys installer a few years ago, and it was the first installer I've been using in Sparky (and still do).
It is based on Yad (gui mode) and Dialog (text mode), and I suggest to use it on low power machines, but it works on newer as well (with Bios or UEFI).
An another different is that I implemented a multi-desktop installation (minimalgui or minimalcli iso only) module. It lets users install one of over 20 desktops and one web browser of your choice, and minimal set of apps. But it needs a little more attention than the live-installer.
Feedback & Suggestions / Re: VSIDO installer
October 04, 2016, 08:40:07 PM
Hi everyone

I just would like to add that the Calamares works fine on Debian based distros, but...
1. The last version I could compile was 2.2.3. After updating qt5 libs, some tools have been removed, including one important Calamares dependency. So building could not be done.
2. The UEFI support works on Arch based OSes fine, but on Debian's - not yet.
3. The last important feature - disk encryption has been implemented into Calamares and works on Arch based dists too... only.

I'd like to change our present 'live-installer' to Calamares but it's not ready for Debian's yet.
So I still keep the 'live-installer' alive  ;D