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Messages - john_j

Thank you VastOne,

The July 22 version has mostly worked. As I said above, I can't reboot or shutdown from Fluxbox, but I'd planned on trying JWM, which I've installed (with a bunch of x11 files for functionality) and I can logout of the WM and shutdown or reboot from the login window.

Now, I've got to learn how to configure JWM  ;D Google here I come.

Hopefully, I'll find some good JWM xml files I can copy bits and pieces of.

John J
The July 22 version appears to be working, but now I'm not able to reboot or shutdown. I wonder if that's the ext4 fs on this old computer. Should I try the install again again with ext2?

Any opinions or ideas are welcome,

I was just able to install the upgrade and choose the packages I wanted from the installer using the 2014 July 22 version. I don't know what changed between that one and the October versions.
I'm trying the 2014_JULY_22 version to see if I run into the same issue.

I'm also replicating the install with swap and ext 4 fs. If I have the same issue I'll try without swap and ext 2 fs.

As you can tell I don't know what's causing this, but I've installed and enjoyed VSIDO previously without this issue   :) .
Thank you for replying,

I said on the install, but it's on the post install and I believe it's updating bleachbit to version 1.4.1 (I think is the version). So, I've rebooted the computer and gone to Synaptic Package Manager and it throws an error and asks me me too dpkg --configure -a, which I've done (np there).

But, it kicks me out of the nice install script you've written before I've selected the options I'd like.

This issue has only come up in the last couple of weeks on VSIDO. I'll see if I can find an old version to try today to see if that happens.
Hi All,

Bit of a noob here, or at best not a power user, and I'm finding that the new version of VSIDO hangs on my old desktop while setting up bleachbit 1.4-1. I'm trying to install it on an old Dell Dimension 3000, celeron processor/1 gig of Ram.

I was able to successfully install a previous version of VSIDO on an ACER ASPIRE with an AMD Semperon 3200+ and 512 meg of RAM.

I'm wondering if it's the new version of bleachbit, the old Dell, or (and this is way above my knowledge level) is systemd quite new and heavy?

I really like VSIDO on these old computer I have. Any ideas or comments are welcome.

