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VSIDO Support => Scripts => Scripts and How To's => Code Challenges => Topic started by: VastOne on January 25, 2017, 07:30:58 PM

Title: Alias question
Post by: VastOne on January 25, 2017, 07:30:58 PM
dpkg aliases...

I just setup these two aliases and honestly I do not know why I never thought of it before

alias ins='sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb'
alias deins='sudo dpkg -r ./*.deb'

The setup is clumsy though IMO.. The method for this would work for a single deb file in a directory but if there were more it would install more... Anyone see a cleaner method?  What I really like about dpkg -i is the tab function on a file... when you start for example dkpg -i part of the file name and tab it auto completes for it.. that would be cool in an alias

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