What's different in Vsido that I'm not getting the bug warnings (apt-listbugs, reportbug, debsecan) I'm getting in other distros tracking Sid? Or... what am I doing wrong?
That is a good question Snap, one I have been pondering myself for quite some time.. I will investigate
Verify they are installed.
apt-listbugs and debsecan are not installed on my system and I just did a clean install of VSIDO jedi.
Edit: 64-bit version
Edit2: Yep, that's a whole lot of ruby going on.
Only reportbug is default in VSIDO. At one time apt-listbugs was a default but the dependencies got too steep on it. I will make that and debsecan as part of the vsido-welcome script
Thank you RatMan for verifying and thanks @Snap for pointing this out
They are installed and reported to be in the last versions. I installed Vsido from the one before the last release. Let me check... vsido_32bit_2014_NOV_28.iso Not sure if I installed them myself... I guess so.
hmmm... If you are running 32 bit you may have just solved another mystery... I will check and verify
Nope, apt-listbugs is not part of the 32 bit either so you would have had to install it
Or maybe I have way less packages in this distro than in others, So less things to break, but still...
Jedi is that good! 8)
Vsido Jedi is how you call the 32 bit isos?
Both x32 and x64 are the same VSIDO jedi version...
Ah, Ok. :)