I knew that some GTK icon themes were having issues in Debian testing. But I've never had the problem in my systems, never heard of it in Sid and never saw them... this big! In this case it's a buuf respin. It only happens in certain apps like Synaptic (in the picture) d-feet, roxterm...
Any tips to solve it? Thanks.
(http://s28.postimg.org/98njdqvuh/Screenshot_12052014_10_21_53_AM.jpg) (http://postimg.org/image/98njdqvuh/)
It is definitely something to do with some icon sets broken by gtk3. Jedi did a lot of work and research on this... When he is up to it, I am sure he will shed some light on this...
Snap, check out this thread from the Arch forums (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1467571) ... Looks like there are solutions
Yeah, it has to do with gtk3 and scalable icons. I haven't tested it but you can try the following,
Go to the directory of your current icon theme. It should be '/usr/share/icons/nameofyouricontheme'. Now look for the file called 'index.theme' and open it in your text-editor. Replace every instance of 'Type=scalable' with 'Type=Scalable'. Save the changes and run the following commands in terminal,
gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/nameofyouricontheme
gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/hicolor
Logout-login and check with your fingers crossed.
p.s. replace 'nameofyouricontheme' with the name of the icon theme you are using.
Thanks, guys. I'll try that and report back.
Kept my fingers closed... no luck
gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/buuf
gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid.
The worst part is that I cannot get rid of the them changing it in lxappearance. Changes are ignored. Gonna delete the theme completely and try anything else. A shame, this revisited buuf spin looks nicer and clearer than the originals. But some apps don't like them. :(
Quote from: Snap on December 07, 2014, 10:12:44 AM
Kept my fingers closed... no luck
gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/buuf
gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid.
The worst part is that I cannot get rid of the them changing it in lxappearance. Changes are ignored. Gonna delete the theme completely and try something else. A shame, this revisited buuf spin looks nicer and clearer than the originals. But some apps don't like them. :(
Hey Snap, don't change buuf spin icons. Instead install the following theme,
sudo apt-get install clearlooks-phenix-theme
And change your gtk theme to clearlooks-phenix via lxappearance. Logout-Login and open synaptic with your finges crossed.
Is that another workaround? I'll try it. Thanks, hakerdefo.
In the meanwhile I replaced that buuf respin by buuf deuce and it seems to work fine. The icons are still cool but much more confusing. That's what I liked about that other respin. The mimetypes are way better and you can easily identify file types at a glimpse, as it should be IMO. Some cool looking a pretty uniform icon themes may look cool and elegant to the eye at first instance but a mess to tell file types at first sight. Going for that clearlooks-phenix (I already have it around somewhere in any other system) and let's see what happens. I'd really like to have those icons working.
It doesn't even show in lxappearance... ::) Just purged it. Keep going with buff deuce for now. but unlike the buuf respin the buuf deuce doesn't work for gksudoed apps, so falling back to LinuxLex for them. Need to find a another icons theme working system wide and behaving with GTK3 scalability. I'm not extremely picky with the icons in panels or toolbars, but I truly am with the mimetypes displayed in file managers.
For a minimal icon theme I prefer the following,
https://copy.com/woMOuqKl42ivEwoq (https://copy.com/woMOuqKl42ivEwoq)
Thanks, gonna give it ago.
Anyway I'm somewhat fine having the buff respin (i reinstalled it) and LinuxLex for gksudoed apps... unless new installed apps icons misbehave. My only issue now is d-feet. I don't like having two different icon sets going, but I can live with it while this problem gets solved.