VSIDO Community

VSIDO Support => General Support => Topic started by: PackRat on September 07, 2014, 07:51:27 PM

Title: sgfxi script insall ia32 libs
Post by: PackRat on September 07, 2014, 07:51:27 PM
I install the drivers for my nvidia card using the sgfxi script and have noticed one of the options is to install the ia32 libs so that 32-bit apps - like steam or googleearth - will run on a 64-bit system. Has anyone tried using this method?

Use to be that there were just two files needed to be installed on a 64-bit system for 32-bit apps to work, now there is the whole multi-arch method that installs a bunch of dev files. I am curious if the method using sgfxi is the smxi authors' custom build of the ia32 libs so that the old method will still work, their method of installing multi arch, or if it's something that is depricated but still part of the script.

Didn't find mention of it on their website. Any info appreciated.
Title: Re: sgfxi script insall ia32 libs
Post by: VastOne on September 07, 2014, 07:55:35 PM
I would advise going to the smxi IRC channel on OFTC. The smxi Dev, h2 is always available.
Title: Re: sgfxi script insall ia32 libs
Post by: PackRat on September 08, 2014, 04:27:19 PM

dev thought he had removed that option.
Title: Re: sgfxi script insall ia32 libs
Post by: VastOne on September 08, 2014, 04:41:41 PM
I thought that was the case but had never seen a confirmation from h2

Thanks for following up and settling it