VSIDO Community

VSIDO Controls => Feedback & Suggestions => Topic started by: VastOne on February 25, 2013, 07:48:17 PM

Title: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 25, 2013, 07:48:17 PM
Everything is looking, behaving and building quite nicely... I am happy but I am BORED!

I am not looking to change anything, or break anything.. I would like to hear some thoughts on what could be different and/or added... For example, I am now using the NewSlicknessBrushed Xfce theme that Sector11 brought to my attention... I never knew about it and now consider it a better theme than the SlicknesS default theme now

I would be interested also in any other WM thoughts any of you may have...

There have been grumblings that VSIDO is too shiny... I would like to hear more on how it could look less shiny..

Don't be shy, throw out some thoughts and lets see how we can make VSIDO even better

The only real thing I am stuck on is Tint2, simply because IMO there is nothing as good as it from a memory perspective.. that does not mean the default layout of Tint2 needs to stay the same.. If someone creative enough wants to showcase a better setup, I am all eyes and ears..

Bring it on VSIDO'rs
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: lwfitz on February 25, 2013, 08:43:48 PM
My problem is that for me the default theme is perfection. So theres nothing to change there. Then you add a completely stable 100% working OTB distro and Im left with conky....... we all know how I love conky but COME ON LETS BREAK SOMETHING ALREADY!
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: jedi on February 25, 2013, 09:10:28 PM
Personally the "too shiny" thing for me is kind of like, oxy-moronic! (like "jumbo-shrimp", or "military-intelligence", you get my drift)  How does something become too shiny?  Whats next a blinking 'c:\' prompt and thats it?  I think as far as how VSIDO looks 'ootb' it is just about perfect.  It balances good looks with function and if one thinks it's too shiny then drop out to a tty.  If you want more 'bling', you are also able to go that route as well.
Where is this new theme you speak of?  I'd like to take a look.  I personally like things as shiny as I can get them!  For another theme, Boje is really nice as it has a VSIDO look to it.  You can check it out at this link; http://nale12.deviantart.com/art/Boje-1-2-1-342853818 (http://nale12.deviantart.com/art/Boje-1-2-1-342853818) and when used with the malys-uniblue icon set it is pretty awesome!
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 25, 2013, 09:15:01 PM
Here is the thread where Sector11 mentioned it and that theme is now part of a new VSIDO install

http://vsido.org/index.php/topic,201.msg2605.html#msg2605 (http://vsido.org/index.php/topic,201.msg2605.html#msg2605)

The link you provided for Boje is a dead link...

Thanks for the input...  :)
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: jedi on February 25, 2013, 09:39:27 PM
Quote from: VastOne on February 25, 2013, 09:15:01 PM
Here is the thread where Sector11 mentioned it and that theme is now part of a new VSIDO install

http://vsido.org/index.php/topic,201.msg2605.html#msg2605 (http://vsido.org/index.php/topic,201.msg2605.html#msg2605)

The link you provided for Boje is a dead link...

Thanks for the input...  :)
Hmmm  Try that link one more time.  DA was having some problems...
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: jst_joe on February 25, 2013, 10:58:54 PM
^ Link worked fine for me.  :)
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: apprentice on February 26, 2013, 02:01:06 AM
themes and tint and conky etc are easily changed by the end user

i too found it a bit  "shiny"
although i'm not sure thats the right word
polished is more like it
but that is a good thing, shows that someone knows their shit
as in:
    i'm surprised at how polished looking it is for a brand new distro

i just sanded off the bits i didn't like
like everyone will do

openbox and xfce are what they are
and what you want
you said from the beginning that this was a spin of what you used
run with it

seems like theres a couple i3 guys here if you want to add a tiler
im too lazy for tilers
install x-tile for when i want to goof around

i like my openbox
but arnault at livarp has an awesome flux setup that i have been using
i see vrkalak is now in the house
i believe is an expert in that field
(or is he just out standing in his field)

do what you do vast
you've got a couple great minds here in their respective disciplines
point people to all the themes and configs and let them have at it

not that i give a rats ass cause im on amd64
but if your BORED
whip up a 32 bit for folks
that seems to be the only real thing that i hear is missing

keep up the awesome job
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: Sector11 on February 26, 2013, 02:03:58 AM
I started using NewSlicknessBrushed because NewSlickness didn't act nice with a couple of programs I use, ClawsMail for one.

Things that were highlighted like the current email: (http://t.imgbox.com/abfpTYdV.jpg) (http://imgbox.com/abfpTYdV)  were just a blank white line.

That's NewSlickness-brushed above with my: (http://t.imgbox.com/adnUO1BT.jpg) (http://imgbox.com/adnUO1BT) OpenBox theme.

Other than that I probably would have stayed with NewSlickness, it's nice.  "oxy-moronic" is good jedi, but you missed one - government efficiency

Too shiny?  Come on already, changing a theme is easy ... besides, OOTB it's a VSIDO signature now.  How many other distros come with a shiny black theme?  Even if you add new themes - keep NewSlickness as the OOTB theme - my opinion.

Drop the "murrina" themes - those are fugly - opinion.

I agree though, VSIDO is boring!

It doesn't break.
Maintenance is minimum.
It works out of the box
There's just nothing to do except ... well ... conky, email, conky, and online banking!
Did I mention conky?

Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: vrkalak on February 26, 2013, 02:21:27 AM
Quote from: Sector11 on February 26, 2013, 02:03:58 AM
I agree though, VSIDO is boring!

It doesn't break.
Maintenance is minimum.
It works out of the box
I was just telling VastOne this morning, that after a fresh install - do the initial updates, change the theme and wallpaper, add the Apps you need/like and . . .  The OS-distro is rather boring, for a while.   :D
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 26, 2013, 02:22:32 AM
All of you... Well said!

@ apprentice, vrkalak has convinced me to give flux a ride and I am very impressed, to the point of adding it to the next ISO as soon as I get the menu the way that I want to see it.. Perhaps someday I will give the 32 bit another try...

@ Sector11,  Again, well said!  You completely understood my meaning of boredom.. I promise I will not intentionally break anything!

Thank you all!
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: Jmagick on February 26, 2013, 04:34:23 AM
Since the the install, I've had one crash. Seemed to be hardware related. With an older computer... acceptable by any standard.
Now to the good part...
Not really... I've been running the ever living loving daylights out of it!
Themes are not really my thing. But I do like your preload!
Loading up a 500 meg photo file (one of the smallest I have) and editing uo to 20 layers deep in Gimp, has been truly a joy!
This distro has handled a lot intense processing! The crash I mentioned, was with only a browser open.
Could I post some of my experience with the graphics software I use in the multimedia section of this forum? I might be able to offer a little insight.

Vsido... So far... Simply great!

Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 26, 2013, 05:01:04 AM
Thanks for the feedback Jmagick, it is greatly appreciated!  :)

And post anything you want here, I am especially looking forward t what you have to say and your insight.
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 26, 2013, 07:10:49 AM
Update for those watching... I am halfway through getting the Fluxbox menu setup the VSIDO way..

Should be done sometime tomorrow and will upload the ISO..

I am very impressed with fluxbox and the community is a very helpful one..
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: lwfitz on February 26, 2013, 07:33:57 AM
Oh nice! Im just catching up and am glad to see fluxbox joining the party.

Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: Sector11 on February 26, 2013, 11:01:48 AM
OH MY!!!!!!!!  Xfce4, OpenBox and FluxBox - this is going to be good.

How do you spell panting?  :P :P :P :P ing at the gate.

Yea VastOne, boring in a very charming productive kinda way.
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: Jmagick on February 27, 2013, 02:11:52 AM
Quote from: VastOne on February 26, 2013, 05:01:04 AM
Thanks for the feedback Jmagick, it is greatly appreciated!  :)

And post anything you want here, I am especially looking forward t what you have to say and your insight.

Just so you know where I come from... I have used Gimp heavily on Ubuntu, had issues, but tolerated it.
I'm using #! on another machine that is identical to the one I've installed Vsido. Awesome distro! I use it for all my music needs.
The programs I use most on Vsido are all graphics based. Gimp, Darktable, and Digikam are my commons.
Whatever you do to improve, tweak,  or whatever, please keep me in mind.
In the near future I'll be building another machine to put Vsido on! ... Suggestions from you or others would be greatly appreciated as to the perfect MB/Processor combo for graphics.
BTW I don't game, so 3D rendering is not a concern.

Is the multimedia forum for discussions about software?
I thought I might post my thoughts on graphics software there.
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 27, 2013, 02:23:59 AM
Hey Jmagick

Where you said 'Whatever you do to improve, tweak,  or whatever, please keep me in mind.' I am going to reverse that back on you.. Tell me what is needed for what you want to do and I will try to accommodate you. My daughter is a professional photographer and I picked her brain about the apps she uses (Windows world) and we came up with the graphics selection that is installed now.  If there are others that can be used there, let me know

As for music, that is one of my riving passions and I am pretty sure you will find everything you need for any music/multimedia needs.. I did not put pulseaudio on, there was a discussion about it (I lost !)and although I miss some of the tools in pulse, alsa is doing a fine job..

Go ahead and discuss whatever you want over in the multimedia area, if it is deemed to be better suited somewhere else we will move it...

Thanks for the feedback!
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: VastOne on February 27, 2013, 02:26:00 AM
FluxBox update..  I have finished everything, I had to adjust a couple of scripts and am doing the build again now... Once tested, the ISO upload will begin... about an hour or so and it should be up there for you.

I will update in the News and Announcements forum when it is done
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: Jmagick on February 28, 2013, 04:43:06 AM
Quote from: VastOne on February 27, 2013, 02:23:59 AM
Hey Jmagick

Where you said 'Whatever you do to improve, tweak,  or whatever, please keep me in mind.' I am going to reverse that back on you.. Tell me what is needed for what you want to do and I will try to accommodate you. My daughter is a professional photographer and I picked her brain about the apps she uses (Windows world) and we came up with the graphics selection that is installed now.  If there are others that can be used there, let me know

As for music, that is one of my riving passions and I am pretty sure you will find everything you need for any music/multimedia needs.. I did not put pulseaudio on, there was a discussion about it (I lost !)and although I miss some of the tools in pulse, alsa is doing a fine job..

Go ahead and discuss whatever you want over in the multimedia area, if it is deemed to be better suited somewhere else we will move it...

Thanks for the feedback!

I may have asked for more than I can hope for. What I really need to do is "build" a new fast machine.

When using Gimp, I use a couple of plugins that will literally max out the processor. Memory load has been as high as 6Gb. The DDR2 and old dual core processor may not be enough.
What has improved with VSIDO is the lack of crashes. In Ubuntu, 100% processor load was the prelude to a crash.
Debian was the same way. In #! Statler, I'd have to jump through a couple of hoops to have the software I need. Haven't tried his latest yet.
For some reason or another VSIDO is very well behaved and fast. I think what I asked for was better processor management  to do those heavy tasks.
Is this beyond what you can do?

I will be building that new machine soon. Any thoughts on Processor, MB, Video? What kind of machine would you like to see VSIDO on? Anyone who has an opinion of what would work well would be greatly appreciated! :)


Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: jst_joe on March 01, 2013, 02:15:35 AM
Well smxi and Linux in general seem to be more nvidia graphics friendly than AMD but then again I'm running an older HD 4850 card.
I'm interested to learn more about the Gimp plugins you're running, I'm kind of new to Gimp but am growing quite fond of it.  :)
Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: Jmagick on March 01, 2013, 04:51:03 AM
Quote from: jst_joe on March 01, 2013, 02:15:35 AM
Well smxi and Linux in general seem to be more nvidia graphics friendly than AMD but then again I'm running an older HD 4850 card.
Really confused... I've been out of the hardware loop for about 6 years. Don't know smxi or how it works. AMD does graphics? I thought they only did processors.

Quote from: jst_joe on March 01, 2013, 02:15:35 AM
I'm interested to learn more about the Gimp plugins you're running, I'm kind of new to Gimp but am growing quite fond of it.  :)
I do a lot pattern removal and repair of old photographs and newspaper clippings. The plugins I use rely on fourier transform (for pattern removal) and frequency separation to remove and/or repair blemished areas on old photos. The G'mic fourier transform is a good one for patterns (moire) and Wavelet Decompose is good for blemishes. There are a lot of tutorials online on how to use Wavelet Decompose to do facial repairs. Scars, pimples, and wrinkles to name a few.

Gimp runs rather well in VSIDO hence my interest in building a VSIDO specific machine.

Title: Re: I am bored!
Post by: jst_joe on March 01, 2013, 06:09:24 AM
VastOne did a great how-to about smxi (http://vsido.org/index.php/topic,5.msg6.html#msg6), it's the best way to do upgrades imho.
AMD produces the Radeon graphics cards and really are quite good (again imho) but support is not quite as good as with the nvidia graphics cards.
I'm sure iwfitz and dizzie can chime in more on that, they've both built some very impressive boxes here recently.