VSIDO Community

VSIDO Controls => VSIDO News & Announcements => Topic started by: VastOne on February 04, 2025, 11:55:36 PM

Title: VSIDO FSA's Updated to Linux kernel 6.12.12-amd64
Post by: VastOne on February 04, 2025, 11:55:36 PM
Both VSIDO FSA's were updated to the new 6.12.12-amd64 kernel

You can download the btrfs and ext4 fsarchives at the VSIDO download site here (https://vsido.fredslev.net/.index.php)

There is also a How To (https://vsido.org/index.php?topic=1465.0) on how to effectively use fsarchiver to get VSIDO installed

There is a current a package list (https://vsido.fredslev.net/.index.php) that shows everything that is installed in VSIDO. Please review this file and let me know of anything needed, removed or added