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Topics - VastOne

 Liquorix finally got off their butts and made the leap to 3.8

I have it installed and so far all is good including nVidia
VSIDO on the Sunday Morning Linux Review

The VSIDO discussion starts at about  the 1 hour 5 minute mark

Mary gave us a 3.9 cups of coffee with a Debian swirl of half-half rating, and although I am not quite sure what that means but I think it is a good one

Having said that, it brings up several issues that we need to address.

1 - WICD vs Ceni ... In both environments it seems additional work needs to be done to get WIFI working out of the box.  I would like to resolve this once and for all, if possible

2 - Fluxbox reload needs to be addressed. Once you make a change to Fluxbox, you need to reload it.  I think this is just a general knowledge thing because you have to do the same thing with OpenBox

3 - Mary successfully loaded KDE!!!  Know we know it is workable!  I find it interesting that we were all joking about it and someone actually installed it perfectly!

4 - I need to explain the nitty gritty stuff in more detail.  Things we take for granted, SID, smxi, VSIDO-Welcome script, bum, Pithos, puddletag, kernel remover, apt-tools, aliases, etc etc.. the real VSIDO's values, I need to broadcast these in ways that show that they are the reason why you should use VSIDO.  I am open to advice on what we can do to facilitate this

5 - With this review and Larry's incredible review, I anticipate a mass amount of questions and new users.  I think you all here at the VSIDO Community is well prepared for that

Thank you Mary, Pat and Tony and everyone else involved with the Sunday Morning Linux Review
Larry has written an incredible VSIDO review here.

I am truly humbled by this.. Thank you Larry!

The ISO was updated, built, installed, tested and uploaded with no issues this afternoon.  The primary changes were:

1 - Debian kernel updated to 3.8.3 from Experimental.  Any current VSIDO user wanting to get this just needs to do a

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

2 - Everything updated to the latest (2013-03-22 10:01 CST) levels of SID

3 - Updated the ISO and somd5 checksum file names to the correct level - Thanks Blaze!

VSIDO kernel 3.8 - Latest Upload 2013-03-22 10:01 CST

isomd5 checksum file - Latest Upload 2013-03-22 10:01 CST
Several new git updates today

To update your git version of GMB to these latest changes simply follow this procedure in terminal

cd gmusicbrowser
git pull

The ISO was updated, built, installed, tested and uploaded with no issues this afternoon.  The primary changes were:

1 - Installed lvm2 so easy lvm can be setup on the install, thanks xaos52!

2 - Fluxbox has now been made the primary WM of VSIDO.  Fluxbox will be the WM first seen on a LiveCD and Fluxbox will be the shown as the default on a first time login once installed.  Of course this can be changed to Xfce or OpenBox by using the drop down menu

The ISO was updated, built, installed, tested and uploaded with no issues this afternoon.  The primary changes were:

1 - Updated the kernel to the latest Debian Stable kernel of 3.8.2

If you want to update to this kernel just do the following

sudo apt-get -t experimental install linux-headers-3.8-trunk-all-amd64

sudo apt-get -t experimental install linux-image-3.8-trunk-amd64


sudo update-grub

In my tests the kernel was running in a lot less ram and cpu usage
The ISO was updated, built, tested and installed with no issues this morning.  The primary changes were:

1 - Added icons to the Fluxbox menus.  There is a menu_no_icons file in the same ~/.fluxbox directory if you do not want icons, simply rename it to menu after you remove the current menu file

2 - Added Fluxmenu, a very nice menu creation applet that modifies the Fluxbox menu

3 - Updated to the latest SID levels


Here are the changes for those who do not want to install new... I may or may not script this later...  This process was test by jedi, thank you!   :)

Make sure you back up your ~/.fluxbox/menu

menu - Save this to ~/.fluxbox

fluxmenu - Extract this to ~/

Extract all of these to /usr/share/icons/LinuxLex-8/apps

Light patch to bring code up to latest level of Sid repository, installation of mesa-utils and replacing vsido-exit with the script that tlinsley created that handles both OpenBox and FluxBox environments

Thank you tlinsley for the script and Sector11 for the heads up on the need for mea-utils, great work!

I will not be adding a script for these

sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

and edit/usr/bin/vsido-exit as root and replace it with this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pygtk
import gtk
import os
import getpass

class cb_exit:
def disable_buttons(self):

def cancel_action(self,btn):

def logout_action(self,btn):
for line in os.popen("wmctrl -m"):
parts = line.split()
if parts[0] == "Name:":
wmName = parts[1].lower()
self.status.set_label("Exiting " + wmName + ", please standby...")
os.system("killall " + wmName)

def suspend_action(self,btn):
self.status.set_label("Suspending, please standby...")
os.system("dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=\"org.freedesktop.UPower\" /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend")

def reboot_action(self,btn):
self.status.set_label("Rebooting, please standby...")
os.system("dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=\"org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit\" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Restart")

def shutdown_action(self,btn):
self.status.set_label("Shutting down, please standby...")
os.system("dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=\"org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit\" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop")

def create_window(self):
self.window = gtk.Window()
title = "Log out " + getpass.getuser() + "? Choose an option:"
self.window.set_size_request(500, 80)
self.window.connect("delete_event", gtk.main_quit)
windowicon = self.window.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_QUIT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)

#Create HBox for buttons
self.button_box = gtk.HBox()

#Cancel button
self.cancel = gtk.Button(stock = gtk.STOCK_CANCEL)
self.cancel.connect("clicked", self.cancel_action)

#Logout button
self.logout = gtk.Button("_Log out")
self.logout.connect("clicked", self.logout_action)

#Suspend button
self.suspend = gtk.Button("_Suspend")
self.suspend.connect("clicked", self.suspend_action)

#Reboot button
self.reboot = gtk.Button("_Reboot")
self.reboot.connect("clicked", self.reboot_action)

#Shutdown button
self.shutdown = gtk.Button("_Power off")
self.shutdown.connect("clicked", self.shutdown_action)

#Create HBox for status label
self.label_box = gtk.HBox()
self.status = gtk.Label()

#Create VBox and pack the above HBox's
self.vbox = gtk.VBox()


def __init__(self):

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    go = cb_exit()

And finally edit /home/youruser/.fluxbox/menu and change this line:

   [exec] (Exit) {/usr/bin/vsido-exit-fb} <>   

with this

   [exec] (Exit) {/usr/bin/vsido-exit} <>   

Beginning with this thread, there will be scripts made available that will update users who have already installed VSIDO with the same updates

Attached is  Simply save it to your /home directory and then follow these steps

Logout and drop to tty1 (ctrl + alt + f1)

chmod +x

sudo sh

At the end it suggests you reboot, but this is not necessary..

ctrl + d to log out of tty1

ctrl + f7  to get back to the login screen



This particular update installs the correct conky menu xml and several new themes to Fluxbox and changes the Fluxbox menu to the normal default Fluxbox menu layout (for vrkalak)
General Support / Python 2.7 update
March 02, 2013, 03:34:03 PM
Anyone doing a recent

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

will get an update of python to 2.7.3-4 and will most likely see a bug report and an error after updating which in turn will halt the apt process

All you need to do to correct it is to run:

sudo apt-get install -f

This will clear the error and allow python to update correctly and apt to clear

I have been running the new version of python for several days with no issues
I updated the ISO with the latest SID updates and to make sure that Fluxbox was correctly setup

I built, tested and installed with no issues

For some tips on things you do after the initial install, see the Did You Know Thread
General Support / Did you know?
March 01, 2013, 08:41:02 PM
A thread to park some tweaks that we do once installed

Here is one

For some reason, the tint2 icon for SpaceFM does not show up as it is supposed to

To correct it do this:

In SpaceFM go to View / Window Icon and put in


Click OK and the issue is solved
Artwork & Screenshots / March 2013 Screenshots
March 01, 2013, 03:48:30 PM
##Post your March 2013 Scrots Here##

My latest:

Fluxbox in VSIDO using ElderV.LaCoste's fb_black style

fsarchiver (File System archiver) IMO is the absolute best for backing up and restoring not only the File System, but anything that you have on a partition

In this How To I am going to explain how I use it to backup the VSIDO build partition and use it on multiple machines

One of the greatest things about fsarchiver is that it does not care how big the partition is that you restore to, as long as it is big enough to handle the size of the original file system.  My build FS is right at the 5 gig mark and fsarchiver compresses that down to 1 gig... So you can put your FS on a thumb drive and take it anywhere and restore it.  Since my build process is pretty much hardware agnostic (except that it is 64 bit), you should be able to download the link I will provide and restore exactly the build machine / FS that I use to build VSIDO

Here we go.  fsarchiver a part of VSIDO already.  In this How To, I am going to describe exactly the steps I used on my machine

Backup the file system with fsarchiver

I am booted to sda1

Make sure that sdc2 is not mounted

1: Create the following directory in /mnt

sudo mkdir /mnt/iso

2: Run the savefs portion of fsarchiver

single-dual core PC with 1GB or less RAM,
sudo fsarchiver -z7 savefs /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa /dev/sdc2

single-dual core PC with more than 1GB of RAM,
sudo fsarchiver -z8 savefs /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa /dev/sdc2

quod core PC with 4GB or less RAM,
sudo fsarchiver -j3 -z8 savefs /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa /dev/sdc2

quod core PC with more than 4GB of RAM,
sudo fsarchiver -j3 -z9 savefs /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa /dev/sdc2

PC with more than four cores and a plenty of RAM,
sudo fsarchiver -j4 -z9 savefs /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa /dev/sdc2

buildos.fsa is the file name being built, saved to /mnt/iso.  You can change this name to anything you want as long as it is with the .fsa extension

The save will take 1-3 minutes and when done you will see something like this:

vastone@vsido:~$ sudo fsarchiver savefs /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa /dev/sdc2
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=92361, directories=10723, symlinks=13608, hardlinks=21, specials=44
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0

You can now take that .fsa file anywhere you need to for restore

Restoring a fsarchiver fsa file

I am booted to sda1 and I want to restore /mnt/iso/buildos.fsa to sdc8 and it cannot be mounted, if it is, unmount it

Step 1: cd to where the buildos.fsa is

cd /mnt/iso

Step 2: Run the restore process with this command

sudo fsarchiver -j 4 restfs buildos.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdc8

This will take 1-3 minutes to restore and when it is done, you will see something like this

vastone@vsido:/mnt/iso$ sudo fsarchiver restfs buildos.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdc8
[sudo] password for vastone:
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=90272, directories=10191, symlinks=12503, hardlinks=21, specials=44
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0

Step 3: Change the uuid of your swap partition on the new restored device

Note - Do this only if you have a swap section in your fstab

First in terminal run:

sudo blkid

You will see something like this as one of the entries

/dev/sdb8: UUID="c462e964-62a3-4119-ac3b-1a0367905b95" TYPE="swap"

In SpaceFM mount the new drive you just created

Edit /etc/fstab and make sure the entry for swap has the same drive and uuid that you got from blkid

Step 4: Now make sure grub sees the new partition

sudo update-grub

Reboot and login into the build OS...


NOTE - If you run this restore on the same machine, there will be a uuid conflict and it will not boot.  In the next message I will write up how to get around that by making a grub tweak
WM Designs and Discussions / Fluxbox Styles
February 28, 2013, 02:43:51 AM
ElderVLaCoste is an old friend from the Buntu days and onto #!... He has always been a FluxBox user and tried to get me to try it many times in the past... I should have listened !

He created an incredible theme posted here on devaint art

This will be the default theme for FluxBox on the next ISO build...

In the meantime, it is attached... Simply download it and extrat it to ~/.fluxbox/styles directory, then Restart Fluxbox from Right Click menu on the dekstop..  It will then be a choice as fb_black in Right Click Menu / Styles

My gratitude to ElderVLaCoste!
Liquorix Kernel 3.7.0-9.dmz.1 has been release and smxi did another stellar job updating!
The VSIDO ISO has been updated, built, tested and uploaded. The single major change was adding Fluxbox as a WM that is now available along with Xfce 4.10 and OpenBox. Everything else has been brought up to date with today's level of SID packages

I want to thank vrkalak for his encouragement and assistance through the process of getting to know and building Fluxbox

I am impressed with it, of course this version has the VSIDO look and touches..

Let me know what you think..
Feedback & Suggestions / I am bored!
February 25, 2013, 07:48:17 PM
Everything is looking, behaving and building quite nicely... I am happy but I am BORED!

I am not looking to change anything, or break anything.. I would like to hear some thoughts on what could be different and/or added... For example, I am now using the NewSlicknessBrushed Xfce theme that Sector11 brought to my attention... I never knew about it and now consider it a better theme than the SlicknesS default theme now

I would be interested also in any other WM thoughts any of you may have...

There have been grumblings that VSIDO is too shiny... I would like to hear more on how it could look less shiny..

Don't be shy, throw out some thoughts and lets see how we can make VSIDO even better

The only real thing I am stuck on is Tint2, simply because IMO there is nothing as good as it from a memory perspective.. that does not mean the default layout of Tint2 needs to stay the same.. If someone creative enough wants to showcase a better setup, I am all eyes and ears..

Bring it on VSIDO'rs
VSIDO Discussions / Interesting VSIDO Topic on #!
February 25, 2013, 07:39:58 PM
Interesting VSIDO Topic on #!

Thank you hinto for your review...  8)