VSIDO Raptor 32bit & 64bit ISO’s updated 20-NOV-2013 13:15 CST


Both ISO's were updated, built, installed, tested and uploaded today with no issues.

  • Updated to latest SID level kernel – 3.11-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.11.8-1 (2013-11-13)
  • Updated all applications to the latest SID levels

All files and torrents are available from the download page
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Thanks VastOne. I had totally bOrked up my install and figured a new ISO was right around the corner.
My motto is "If it ain't broke I must not be having much fun". Installing tonight.


Installed 32 bit tonight. All working well with limited testing. Funny thing though, visido-welcome never works first go around at least for my box.
It will display on start up, test Internet connection and then just progress from screen to screen without any action taken. And yes, I am not hitting the "s" key. After invoking visido-welcome 2 or 3 times it runs through its paces admirably. My rig is a system76, so all specs are linux friendly .


Hey zbreaker, thanks for that feedback and testing and using!

I have seen this in the past when testing builds (I have probably installed VSIDO at least 1000 times) ... it is usually an indication that the debian repo servers are not available at that particular time.  The vsido-welcome script is great at detecting the network, but that is all that it does

I always start another terminal session now and run up or

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

until I see a clear error free update and dist-upgrade and then allow vsido-welcome to start.

Based on you saying that it clears after the second or third try, I would guess that this is what you have seen
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That is it...exactly.

Forgot to mention I opted for the "no swap" version as i have 8G Ram.
Will see over the next week if I can really detect any fine differences.


You will not see anything different.  I have 8 gig also and have never seen the last 6 gig at all using VSIDO, ever

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