Epson DX5000 Printer Help Please [ SOLVED ]


Hi All,

I have the above printer and am having a lot of trouble trying to get VSIDO to see it. I have tried searching but am unable to find an answer. I had this problem on Crunchbang but it was sorted out by using

apt-get install -y cb-meta-printer-support

unfortunately it did not work here
Help required please
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


First do

aptitude update
aptitude install cups cups-client

Then start the service

sudo /etc/init.d/cups start

Open iceweasel and go to this exact url


If an error, try this

usermod -a -G lpadmin YOUR_USERNAME

Then find your printer, and install the driver :)

You are welcome :)
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Hi dizzie

Thanks for the quick reply.

ran apt-get update, install cups cups-client all OK. The localhost part it didn't work, woulcn't find my printer etc so went to terminal and ran system-config-printer and it install ok.

Thanks for all your help. Very much appreciated. going out now :)
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


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