some issues.


Alright so got the new iso downloaded and then installed using the live installer. Had checked to make sure ceni was recognizing my wireless and it was. So after installing offline g due to no wireless at house) went to Dunkin donuts to get internet. Ran ceni which is pretty self explanatory and it just wouldn't connect. Tried restarting computer and connecting again and still nothing. I'm not sure where to go from here as there is no encryption on the wifi there. It just kept telling me that there were no dhcp offers and then giving me the option to either retry our exit.
Anyone got some ideas on this one?


What is the card type you are using?  I am guessing that the original ISO had a specific wifi card code that I may have left out... By knowing what you have, that should lead me to what it is
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I've seen this issue over and over again. If rebooting your machine doesn't fix it then they need to reboot their router.
The weird thing is its not on all routers. I've got a westell that connects fine but my Cisco needs a reboot when connecting after a fresh install.
Don't Be A Dick!


^ Good point...

I guess the simplest thing I could have asked was, did ceni see your wifi adapter and at the place of excellent coffee, did ceni see the hot spots?

If yes is the answer to both, then it is not a code not included issue
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Quote from: VastOne on September 19, 2013, 02:36:34 AM
What is the card type you are using?  I am guessing that the original ISO had a specific wifi card code that I may have left out... By knowing what you have, that should lead me to what it is

Iwl4965 Intel pro/wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] network connection.
But that's the thing it can scan and the whole nine yards but just doesn't connect.
And I had a computer that connected just fine that I was able to use at the time but couldn't find info.


Alright so there is finally an update to this one. Ceni has been working completely fine this whole time, went to a friends house to hardline net and tested it on their wireless first. I'm thinking that what was going on is ceni just does not like public wifi that has to be verified. Got on their net and installed Wicd for public and ceni is going to be for home use. Everything is running wonderfully except for a long boot time at the moment.


Thanks for the update cobaltwolfe...  glad to see you got the wifi sorted

Regarding your long boot times, are you seeing anything that is pointing to it? If not, edit your main grub line when it comes up by hitting e.  Remove 'quiet' from the line and then boot it with ctrl + x

This will at least give us an idea as to what is slowing it down
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Quote from: VastOne on October 07, 2013, 12:58:33 PM
Thanks for the update cobaltwolfe...  glad to see you got the wifi sorted

Regarding your long boot times, are you seeing anything that is pointing to it? If not, edit your main grub line when it comes up by hitting e.  Remove 'quiet' from the line and then boot it with ctrl + x

This will at least give us an idea as to what is slowing it down
Its trying to autoconnect wifi during boot that is slowing it down. Gets stuck on
DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 7

And does this maybe six times before it decides that there are no working leases in perdistent database.

I'm doing this from my phone at the moment but I'll post up exactly what's its telling me in a bit.

Attachment pic of it added.


Hi cobaltwolfe, did you try

sudo ceni

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Quote from: dizzie on October 07, 2013, 03:41:33 PM
Hi cobaltwolfe, did you try

sudo ceni


It is doing this during boot not while its already up. It does this regardless of whether or not ceni is installed or not.


sudo lspci

And look for your network card (and if you have a live connection) try

sudo apt-get firmware-networkcard
(fx. sudp apt-get install firmware-realtek)

The DHCP hanging at boot is usually caused by a missing driver/firmware

And YES, do try to run ceni again, just to be sure
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Did the long boot times start after you installed and used wicd? If so, I've had this problem in the past.

You may be having a conflict in your configuration - ceni writes to the /etc/network/interfaces file, wicd uses it's own configuration files and runs in the background. When both existed, my computer would also hang at the network interface startup.

Try (as root) copying /etc/network/interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces_backup; then edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and comment out the entries for your network interfaces(s) written by ceni - leave the entry for the loopback (lo) interface.

After that, see if you boot normally.

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