How To : systemd on VSIDO


You using it now statmonkey?

Thanks!   ;D
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Yes and thanks to you.  What really pushed me over the edge was two issues:
    1) The obtuse coding I was seeing in the new deb package source code that forces you to write for both SysV and Systemd and then inserts a message saying that SysV is deprecated.
    2) The arcane way that SysV makes you jump through hoops when a package updates (like mpd) and then insists on autostarting as root making you have to hunt and peck if you have your own system set up.  If you have seen it you know what I mean.

The fact that it is indeed faster is a bonus to me.  I did some testing and committed by altering my grub.cfg the deb guys can shoot me :)

Rant alert!  Now, systemd is half implemented by Debian and they are also looking at Upstart.  The systemd folks, the grub folks and the Debian maintainers are contradicting each other on what to use and how to implement it.  I love the way systemd works internally, it's easy to write a program for it and it has a lot of potential based on how it works with udev (see ignorant guru for more). I just wish they would implement it and move on.  I see canonical's ugly head in this and for see another Gnome debacle.  Canonical is great, they fork something, talk down the alternatives, stir up a bunch of sh** and then sit back and watch the dev community claw each other to death.  I sometimes wonder if Mark Shuttlesworth is really Bill Gates.  End of rant.


The one thing I like most about systemd is: shitt fast as hell booting and shutdown. Personally i reboot in 1sec, a cold boot (push the powerbutton) takes about 2. Yes ofcause I use an SSD, but thats not the point :)

systemctl add, enable, disable- is extremely nice, and simple too :)

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ROT RO!!!!

Just came across this issue "invoke-rc.d: initscript, action "start" failed.systemd" I am still researching but think it is an old problem and has something to do with the xfce stuff.

FWIW a very interesting thread with some good links in it
Resources link
     From that tips and tricks
     From that the FAQ

If anyone knows the answer to the above issue or a pointer to an answer (other then removing X11 or console-tools etc.) I would be interested.

dizzie that is amazing.  I would be afraid my desk would catch on fire or I would sit there all day monkeying with phones, pads, laptops, etc starting both at the same time and seeing which I could get to win. Hmm, I need an ssd :)