Re: What is VSIDO? Why Should I care?


Which image file program?
I've been adrift since picasa for linux bit the big one, I have no interest in dicking around endlessly with wine
The feature I miss the most is the ability to scroll through all the files, without having to open folders
I'm using Digikam, which has all the toys of gimp in a user-friendly format, but not in a  resource friendly way.  I need crop, resize, exposure, contrast, color & a way to upload to G+
Digikam does this better than any other, uploads of 100or more goes without a hitch


What about workspaces?
I'm using KDE just so I can have workspaces
As we all know it's a resource hog


Hi Garthhh

QuoteWhich image file program?

mirage - unfortunately you need to cruise over to the directory.

QuoteWhat about workspaces?

You mean as in desktops?  I normally run 3 and with "obconfig" I can add more --- like 10 or more

... or click the mouse wheel with the pointer on the desktop and I can add|delete desktops on the fly.


Stay Home


In Xfce4 it is Right Click Menu/Settings/Workspaces
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Seems I haven't spent enough time on xcfe,  I'll have another go.
What about a recommendations for a 32bit deb distro
Debian proper, is easy enough to install, but then nothing works, without jumpping through my own arse,  seems like everything else has that nasty ubuntu-taste :D


If I've jacked this thread, tell how/where you want it to go...


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    I dev VSIDO



I like the  project & community
No 32 bit kills it for me
The search continues
Pretty sure I'm gonna get thrown off Pclos for asking about the parentage of the code.  ;D


It's an independent distro.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


Quote from: hinto on March 04, 2013, 01:20:12 PM
It's an independent distro.

I guess you need to define independent Distros for me
Linux kernal is independent
Red Hat & Debian dependent on development of the kernal
VSIDO < Debian < Linux kernal

That the fine folks at Pclos are hypersensitive about the behind the scenes stuff, reveals what I would consider a pretty big deficiency

VastOne is a benevolent dictator/ringmaster, that would answer any question I might have, about anything[really anything] :D


Independent means that the distro isn't backed by say, rpm/deb mirrors, rather one that is chosen by the distro developers.  That means that the apps in their repos are usually fewer than the ones based on rpm/deb.

In the case of PCLinuxOS, you can go to Distrowatch and see it is a fork of Mandriva.  What this means is that PCLinuxOS used Mandriva as it's start and [probably] recompiled from source and put the binaries on it's mirrors.  The devs at PCLinux [probably] patch/fix/modify where approproate and [probably] tell the Mandriva folks about any problems/fixes they have.  What this means is that any app not found on PCLOS's repo might be found in Mandriva's repo, but it might not work.  Just as all debs from Ubuntu might not work on Debian. (Ubuntu is a fork, too).
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton


thanks to hinto
for the explanation of independent as it relates to a Linux Distro

I'm in process of installing Linux Mint Debian Edition on my 32 bit machines

I'm waiting for an adapter that will let me use SD flash cards, instead of a hdd, which should be a reasonable solution, to the biggest failure of this particular notebook, overheated hdd...