

Hi folks

not been on for a long time as had no major problems until now
inxi seems to have a problem when it start up when running smxi I have tried to reinstall it without success.
how do i force it to update reinstall itself
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


Hi Gordon... I am not having the issue...

Are you running VSIDO?

Can you post the results of

apt-cache policy inxi

It should be in /usr/local/bin

You can locate it by running

whereis inxi

Can you also post the results of what is happening when you run inxi so we can see what the error is
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Hi VastOne

Yep i am running VSIDO Its the only version that I use. I like the friendly atmosphere that their is
hope I got this right
apt-cache policy inxi gave me this

  Installed: 2.3.45-1
  Candidate: 2.3.45-1
  Version table:
*** 2.3.45-1 500
        500 sid/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

and running inxi gave me this

CPU~Dual core AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 (-MCP-) speed/max~2200/2800 MHz Kernel~4.14.0-3-amd64 x86_64 Up~56 min Mem~519.3/7980.0MB HDD~1200.3GB(1.1% used) Procs~140 Client~Shell inxi~2.3.43 

Don.t know if that's what you want or if you want to see what happens when i run smxi and it say their is an error with inxi.
it says something about not downloading correctly but seem unable to sort it out.
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


It looks as if inxi is running fine, is it smxi that is not working?

Can you post what the errors are?

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Hi VastOne
OK here@s what happens at the start of running smxi

Updating inxi to latest version
the file inxi did not download correctly Retrying
Download error smxi component inxi is incomplete or corrupted. it appears the file failed to fully download for some reason.
continue without inxi
smxi version 8.42.04

That's what i get at the start of running smxi
Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


Do you use inxi within smxi?  Is there a need to?

It looks like it is an error in the smxi script where a url location has probably changed and the script has not been updated

Since you can use inxi outside of smxi, I wouldn't worry about this message at all since it seems more a warning than an error
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Hi VastOne

Thanks for that, It is something that smxi does and nothing to do with me. I just use smxi to do all the updates that you post and that's all.
I don't know if that's the best way or not. I just seem to have landed on on it some time ago and have used it ever since.

Thanks for your time and effort much appreciated. I'll just ignore it in future.

Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


Hi VastOne.

just dropped in to let you know that all is well.

LibreOffice had stopped working so I went to package manager and told it to upgrade LibreOffice which it did and is now running fine again but I then went and ran smxi again to make sure that LibreOffice was OK and it has fixed inxi as well.I obviously have no idea how or why just thought I had better let you know though

Cheers :D
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-MA69G-S3H , 8 Gb Ram, Realtek RX550 Graphics,  VSIDO


Sounds like you got a full update and that resolved everything...

Well done Gordon and thanks for keeping us updated..
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