VSIDO Build 2017


I just checked on my desktop - also Void. Firefox-esr was fine until an upgrade to the nss package (don't know what the Debian eqivalent is named) came through and borked it. Hopefully won't effect Debian.
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Quote from: VastOne on January 24, 2017, 04:13:46 PM
Can anyone tell me what it is that ceni cannot do?

I am not sure if it will recognize a hidden wirelss network - same with nmtui, which is a ceni-like interface for NetworkManager. I have had issues with wicd connecting to one, nm-applet handled it just fine.

I have never tried to use my phone as a wireless hotspot so I don't know how ceni or wicd compare with NetworkManager - which appears to be the way to go for those that do that; can be handy if you travel a lot.

Other than that, ceni is an awesome tool. A bit inconvenient if you do a lot of roaming - like a university student who may connect to several wireless networks on any given day - because you have to go through the motions. Cannot be beat for a Debian desktop that stays put.
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


@PackRat to use nmtui with hidden wirelss try this,

nmtui -> Edit connection -> Add -> Wifi -> hidden_wifi_name -> Autometic -> OK

Next do,

nmtui -> Edit connection ->  hidden_wifi_name -> Activate

You Can't Always Git What You Want


From the wireless perspective, my experience with NetworkManager has not been very good.  I have a KDE Plasma install on a basic VSIDO build that uses Network-Manager and nm-applet and I've finally gotten rid of it and went back to Wicd.

Ceni is by far the lightest choice, and out of the box easily handles almost all wifi needs.  I have not really tried, but have never had an icon indicator that would work with ceni.  Another non-issue for me.  Ceni is easily reconfigured as well.  Just run it again!

On my goto lappy, I'm currently using Wicd-gtk.  Just because.  No really valid reasoning behind it, just what was the easiest choice at the moment this install occured back in November.  Another strong point in Wicd's favor is the ease of getting the systray icon to work so you can see your connected.  I think they call that 'icing'!

Network-Manager is pretty and all, but in the end on my equipment, I've always found a way to break it.  I can't think of a time I ever broke ceni.  Can't say the same for Wicd, it breaks too!  (Wicd broke on my wifes lappy just yesterday.)

For a VSIDO LITE I'd think for those of us with wireless, (and using Sid as well) that ceni would suffice just fine.  This is Linux though, and we can all do an apt-get!  The beauty of the tiny distro.  Build as you please!

Did I mention that vchroot is quite possibly the niftiest tool to grace our /usr/local/bin?  Well it is!!!  Good-bye reFind...
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"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


Good info Jedi... I am building ISO's with NM and nmtui... if nm-applet is as nasty as stated it does not get a space in this discussion at all and as I stated I cannot test wifi since I am desktop anchored to a wire

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I have uploaded the latest VSIDO Lite test ISO's

NM is installed and nmtui is a menu item under Internet

Small and fast with everything but Multimedia components that VSIDO regular has...

Check it out and please test all that hakerdefo has asked for
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Live session running. Can get the wireless going with either Ceni or nmtui.

Is this network setup HowTo now obsolete, so a new one needs to be written once the iso is finalized?

Also, now that the system tray is empty by default, it's a bit confusing why windows do not maximize even after conky is killed.
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Does being empty mean that it is not there though? Chicken and the egg I know but I do not know this answer

As this goes forward we may have to rewrite a lot of things, including the papers needed to commit me to a local insane asylum

:D ;D ??? ??? ???
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It's there since the window won't maximize - system trays and tint2 are a type of window (like conky). In tilers, the user has to account for them, or they get tiled into the window stack etc ...

Installing to metal.

Install was smooth. I get that 1.5 min stall, but everything mounted. I did it a bit different this time and used the old-school fstab, not the UUID just to see if that made a difference.

Tinker around a bit and see what happens.
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Just a quick glance through the above mentioned 'howto' and looks as if it is still applicable.  If anyone sees anything I'm not let me know and I'll be happy to rewrite it.
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


A quick disclaimer about that above post, I'll not be able to be of help writing a 'howto' about NM.  I just don't have enough experience with it and haven't ever had much luck with it either tbh...
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


One thing that may need to be changed... ifconfig -a no longer works ... yet another debian deprecation

ip a

is the replacement and though smaller to type, uglier to view

installing net-tools will get you ifconfig usage back and I will install that on next round of ISO's

This is only on these test ISO's.. everything is the same and functional on the released ISO's
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Quote from: VastOne on January 25, 2017, 05:29:58 PM
One thing that may need to be changed... ifconfig -a no longer works ... yet another debian deprecation

ip a

Try 'sudo ifconfig -a' and let me know what happens...  (works perfectly here)

EDIT: my bad, didn't read to the end of your post VastOne!  Sorry, too tired!  Too much snow!!!
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


ifconfig: command not found

clean install latest iso

synaptic not in default install; that by design?
I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.
-- Chief Joseph

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
-- Geronimo


Haven't got around to synaptic yet and evaluating the need for it

ifconfig is deprecated and and if you want it back

apt-get install net-tools
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