VSIDO 32bit & 64bit ISO’s updated 2016-March-17 23:01 CST


  • Updated to latest Debian SID kernel – 4.4.0-1 SMP Debian 4.4.6-1 (2016-03-17)
  • Updated all applications to the latest SID levels

All changes can be seen and discussed in the VSIDO Change sub forum

All files and torrents can be downloaded from the VSIDO Download page
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OK, got my daughter going on the old monster Asus ROG laptop, so I'm now using smaller HP Pavilion with a 14" screen.  Oh yeah, that screen happens to be a touch screen that works wonderfully with VSIDO!
Installed the latest ISO's and all went perfectly.  (of course!)  The touch-screen worked right off the bat!  Kind of cool to be able to use the screen like that.  Anyway, sorry for the late reply, but I have tested the heck out of the 17Mar ISO's and could find no issues.
I do however MISS xchat.  And what of Pithos?  I got to have my pithos!  On a personal note, I hate Firefox now for some reason.  I did immediately go back to Chrome on this install.  That is just a personal pref however.
Great job as usual VastOne.  A great dev for a great distro!   8)
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


Great to hear that jedi... congrats!

That is great news that touch screens work OOTB, I was always curious about how that would be...

Pithos became a pig ... the resources needed to build it could not be extracted from the simple script that it is.  I had to scrap it because adding 25 MiB to the ISO was too damn much to ask

I have gone back to Firefox on both my desktop and my phone... I got sick and tired of not being able to stop pop up videos in Chrome on my Android and switched to FF.. on both, FF is running excellent

Thanks for the feedback and compliments...  ;D
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