distro upgrade or what?


By watching this:


It seems the transition will take a loooong while. ie, some months. Still plenty of work to do.

So what's the strategy if any, guys? Anyone distro upgrading? At this point Sid feels like a snapshot, or kinda "up a notch" Jessie. I'm not concerned about being dancing on the bleeding edge at all costs, or necessarily having the latest and greatest. It's more what to do if I want to install something in Vsido or any other Sid distro. Or what to do after installing a new system (typically VMs), dist-upgrade or living on the iso snapshot?

And one more question. @ VastOne. will you keep going with the full updated releases every two weeks schedule during this period?


@Snap: Yea, been dist-upgrading the whole time, lost libreoffice and synaptic for a while. Downloaded and installed libreoffice5.0, just put 5.0 at the end of libreoffice in the menu, and worked. Synaptic is back working again. I just haven't added in apps other than what was lost. VSIDO seems to be working atm in an exemplary fashion, like it normally does. Thanks for the link, explains a lot. - zephyr

CROWZ / STAR / Devuan / refracta / VSIDO


Quote from: Snap on August 17, 2015, 07:25:15 AM
By watching this:


It seems the transition will take a loooong while. ie, some months. Still plenty of work to do.


And one more question. @ VastOne. will you keep going with the full updated releases every two weeks schedule during this period?

I have shut down all releases until this blows over.  Like zephyr, I have updated at least 15 machines with no issues at all... I am running the latest release of sid and the latest kernel but at an enormous cost of overhead space (over 150 new MiBs of space on the ISO's)

I am not so much worried about the apps transitioning and working but more about  the size of keeping both sets of apps through the transition... This could mean another month or more of the same ISO's that are available now...

Not much lost on any new or existing VSIDO users, the latest ISO is still rock solid and a dist-upgrade will work... If not, 5 minutes later you are back with the same install...

This for me is a blessing, I am currently mired in some personal issues that is keeping me a long way from all of you and this project of mine...

VSIDO      VSIDO Change Blog    

    I dev VSIDO


I'm jumping ship on sid for a while. Re-installing with my stable Star Fb which will be easier to maintain/upgrade in the long run.


VSIDO      VSIDO Change Blog    

    I dev VSIDO


I have that sinking feeling! And I hear the band playing "auld lang syne" !

I'm off while there are still lifeboats left.....



I've been dist-upgrading almost daily...   :o  (mileage may vary, I'm not trying to tell anyone to do what I do.  I have nothing to do but drive a recliner, so if something were to break, I have all the time in the world to fix it!)

That said, this is 'Sid' after all, and some breakage is what we all signed up for.  Well, maybe not breakage, but razor's edge anyway.   ???

Sometimes we forget that this is 'Sid'; VastOne has created a masterpiece of a distro that over the last 3 or 4 years has been basically indestructible.    8)

As to the last few months with 'Sid's' behavior, this has been, really, a painless exercise for me as a user to circumvent.  As someone mentioned above, LibreOffice was removed during a recent 'dist-up', but a simple trip to their web-site had me back in business.  There may have been a couple of other trivial things I had to manually replace.  It is truly wonderful that a brand new user to Linux can in mere minutes have a true 'Sid' distro up and running on their hardware.  And then continue to use it with nary a problem.  I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the forums here have always been able to solve any users problems.  (even the self-made, and utterly ridiculous issues I've created for myself over the years.)  Someone here is almost always sure to have the knowledge specific to any one of our troubles.  If not, then for sure on the IRC channels we keep maintained 24/7!

To be fair to Debian, and 'Sid' specifically, they have just had a major new release.  When this happens we are all aware of what is in store for "us" as 'Sid' users.  Personally, this is the longest I've ever maintained a system with the same distro on it.  If the past 3+ years are any indicator, I'll never need another!

Oh yeah, you guys here in the forum and in the IRC channels have made a really perfect community to go along with the distro.

If I went the next 6 months with no 'dist-up', I firmly believe that once it completed (the dist-upgrade) my system would still run!  If not, one of you guys here would have me back running in short order.  I mean it takes what, 5 minutes to install VSIDO?  Really a total 'risk free' distro environment!!!

Thanks VastOne!
Forum Netiquette

"No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid."  Anonymous


Nice insight. jedi.

Who said fear since we have hospitals!  :P

QuoteThanks VastOne!
