Adding clock to default VSIDO tint2 panel


I got this question on Google+ from +John Kerr Jr and want to answer here for more detail

Looks great. I've been enjoying Vsido. I have always preferred Fluxbox. One question though, how can I add the clock and date in tint2 in the upper right corner? 

Hi +John Kerr Jr and thanks! 

Tint2 on VSIDO is setup from /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers directory.  The panel (upper right system tray)  file is /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers/tint2rc.  The bottom tint2 launcher is /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers/tint2rcallbtm

Edit /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers/tint2rc as root ... and under # Panel and line 28 you need to add a C so it looks like this

panel_items = FSC

Then under # Clock you can change the formats to your desired style

time1_format = %H:%M
time1_font = sans 8
time2_format = %A %d %B
time2_font = sans 6
clock_font_color = #ffffff 76
clock_padding = 4 4
clock_background_id = 1

At the Configure Tint2 Wiki site you can find the Clock Settings here (And all of the Tint2 settings)

As a side note... anyone can move/copy these files from the /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers directory to your /home/username  for easier editing and managing.... most of us do this and put them under the /home/myusername/.config/tint2

So V-Ger you ask, why not have it that way by default?  Good question.. and I would IF the tint2 developers would adhere to simple desktop standards such as $HOME in config manipulations ... The variable launcher_apps_dir must be a complete path to function... and since there is no way I can know a users home dir name to start these files, I had to place them in /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers and so that the launchers will work correctly

If anyone has any suggestions to solve this a different way, V-Ger is all about gathering new intel...
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FYI and follow up on this.. I was not happy with the answers from the tint2 devs and it looks as if nothing will be changed

Edit - It looks as if changes will be made in future versions of tint2 to comply with the standards

I have made changes though that will be on the next ISO, tint2 will reside on your /home/username and only the launchers will stay on /usr/local/bin/tint2launchers

This way everyone will own the tint2 configs as a user and take root out of the loop...

I should have done this a long time ago, so thank you John Kerr for raising the issue
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Thanks, VastOne. I'll reflect these changes in my install.


^ You bet Snap

It looks as if changes will be made in future versions of tint2 to comply with the standards.. the dev ask for more information on the request and made the decision it is necessary
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