block wildcarded urls in /etc/hosts


preface:  if you're unfamiliar with blocking url through /etc/hosts then i suggest you do a quick websearch for "someonewhocares" and "hosts" (n that should get you there).

nice, huh?   i'm sure there's other ways, but this is the first i found.   i was looking in the output of nettop / jnettop, and kept seeing some curious stuff spamming my connection, for no good reason i could fathom, so i looked up how to augment my /etc/hosts file so i could effectively block a range with a wildcard... like * instead of trying to chase down and and and... etc.

i havnt actually implemented that yet, (cos i'm a timid cautious scardey when it comes to meddling with my connection incase i break it), but i'm sure it's great.  ;)

next stop... learning iptables.  ^_^

p.s. investigate dnsmasq & dnsmasq.conf