VSIDO Community

VSIDO Support => Scripts and How To's => How To's => Topic started by: VastOne on January 06, 2016, 10:53:52 PM

Title: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 06, 2016, 10:53:52 PM
I have successfully converted VSIDO test builds to OpenRC and wiped out systemd and systemd-sysv

In order to have a conversation and tests about this process and OpenRC, you must be able to first convert a VSIDO system like I did. This How To will show the steps needed and the files needed to make it work

I am also building test ISO's with these changes already in place and will put them up somewhere for those who want to assist in testing the builds with OpenRC

You will need 2 new files and to edit 2 files.

New vsido-exit

Replace the contents of /usr/bin/vsido-exit with this:


import pygtk
import gtk
import os
import getpass

class cb_exit:
def disable_buttons(self):

def cancel_action(self,btn):

def logout_action(self,btn):
for line in os.popen("wmctrl -m"):
parts = line.split()
if parts[0] == "Name:":
wmName = parts[1].lower()
self.status.set_label("Exiting " + wmName + ", please standby...")
os.system("killall " + wmName)

def suspend_action(self,btn):
self.status.set_label("Suspending, please standby...")
os.system("dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=\"org.freedesktop.UPower\" /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend")

def reboot_action(self,btn):
self.status.set_label("Rebooting, please standby...")
os.system("sudo reboot")

def shutdown_action(self,btn):
self.status.set_label("Shutting down, please standby...")
os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")

def create_window(self):
self.window = gtk.Window()
title = "Log out " + getpass.getuser() + "? Choose an option:"
self.window.set_size_request(500, 80)
self.window.connect("delete_event", gtk.main_quit)
windowicon = self.window.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_QUIT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)

#Create HBox for buttons
self.button_box = gtk.HBox()

#Cancel button
self.cancel = gtk.Button(stock = gtk.STOCK_CANCEL)
self.cancel.connect("clicked", self.cancel_action)

#Logout button
self.logout = gtk.Button("_Log out")
self.logout.connect("clicked", self.logout_action)

#Suspend button
self.suspend = gtk.Button("_Suspend")
self.suspend.connect("clicked", self.suspend_action)

#Reboot button
self.reboot = gtk.Button("_Reboot")
self.reboot.connect("clicked", self.reboot_action)

#Shutdown button
self.shutdown = gtk.Button("_Power off")
self.shutdown.connect("clicked", self.shutdown_action)

#Create HBox for status label
self.label_box = gtk.HBox()
self.status = gtk.Label()

#Create VBox and pack the above HBox's
self.vbox = gtk.VBox()


def __init__(self):

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    go = cb_exit()

New sudoers file

Replace the contents of /etc/sudoers with this content:

# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of
# directly modifying this file.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
Defaults env_reset
Defaults mail_badpass
Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

# Host alias specification

# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification

# User privilege specification

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command

# See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:

#includedir /etc/sudoers.d

ALL ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot
ALL ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/shutdown

Create a new 10-network.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d with this content:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="08:00:27:5a:67:5b", NAME="eth0"

NOTE Your ATTR{address} is your mac address and is completely different than this one above

In terminal do this:

ifconfig -a

Change the above ATTR{address}== to match yours

It will be after ether and look like this:

ether 00:24:1d:76:86:86

Edit your /etc/network/interfaces and make sure what ever network interface is there says eth0 ... change it to eth0

This is how it should look


# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

In terminal:

get openrc

prg systemd systemd-sys

get sysvinit



Test and let me know if I missed anything
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: zephyr on January 07, 2016, 01:47:31 AM
@VastOne: Works! Instructions easy and complete, followed steps and Openrc is installed. Ran Ceni and have eth0 now as well. On bootup script stated Openrc so I would guess all is well and complete. 

This was on a fresh drive and most recent release, ran "vsido-welcome" screens, note that some of the the packages like "gvfs" for Thunar were no longer present, and reinstalled so far what I am missing. May just re-run welcome screens.   

Nice job, thanks - Z

Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 02:25:24 AM
^ thanks for testing and confirming Z!

I am also now testing ISO's I have created that are OpenRC only... If the installs tested go well I will release the location of these ISO's for anyone else to test
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: PackRat on January 07, 2016, 03:18:44 AM
Should make for an interesting build; well done.

Although, I think your replacement for vsido-exit will only log out of openbox. The other options should work.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 03:28:38 AM
^ They (reboot and shutdown) are working fine in FluxBox... perhaps you can edit to make it even better or syntax correct?

Not sure

My issue now is getting eth0 and wlan0 back as the default naming conventions... proving to be a pain in my arse
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: PackRat on January 07, 2016, 03:39:18 AM
Just change the logout stanza:


# comment out the openbox logout
# def logout_action(self,btn):
# self.disable_buttons()
# self.status.set_label("Exiting Openbox, please standby...")
# os.system("openbox --exit")

# add stanza to logout of any window manager - can this be more elegant coding?
def logout_action(self,btn):
for line in os.popen("wmctrl -m"):
parts = line.split()
if parts[0] == "Name:":
wmName = parts[1].lower()
self.status.set_label("Exiting " + wmName + ", please standby...")
os.system("killall " + wmName)


that should allow the user to log out of most window managers - some tilers (dwm, spectrwm, others?) don't work with this method/syntax; I don't remember why.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 05:23:58 AM
^ thanks for that mate.. I had not even looked in depth at the file as I was happy that shutdown and reboot worked

Take a look at this... all of the 'ways and means' of changing back to eth0 and wan0 from every damned distro that uses systemd is failing.. I have used every solution I could find over the last 3 hours to no avail

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address", NAME="eth0"

cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address works from terminal, it should work from that /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules file

having the mac address there is great on a one to one basis, but unless I can find a way to go back to eth0 and wlan0 a different way, this is a fruitless journey... every time on a new install the mac address is different ... so having a static mac in that file makes the network fail on a new boot

I am tired now and probably not making much sense ... try to deduce if you or anyone can

Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 07, 2016, 08:43:03 AM
Thanks for this, VastOne. Gonna bork my Vsido install right now.  :P
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: misko_2083 on January 07, 2016, 10:41:35 AM
Quote from: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 05:23:58 AM
^ thanks for that mate.. I had not even looked in depth at the file as I was happy that shutdown and reboot worked

Take a look at this... all of the 'ways and means' of changing back to eth0 and wan0 from every damned distro that uses systemd is failing.. I have used every solution I could find over the last 3 hours to no avail

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address", NAME="eth0"

cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address works from terminal, it should work from that /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules file

having the mac address there is great on a one to one basis, but unless I can find a way to go back to eth0 and wlan0 a different way, this is a fruitless journey... every time on a new install the mac address is different ... so having a static mac in that file makes the network fail on a new boot

I am tired now and probably not making much sense ... try to deduce if you or anyone can

It could be the syntax :)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="$(cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address)", NAME="eth0"

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}== "$(cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address)",ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
This smartphone is hard to type on. I miss my Nokia :D
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: PackRat on January 07, 2016, 11:26:57 AM

I wonder if the network issues are related to udev being rolled into systemd. You may need to get eudev installed and working as well.

I know there is some documentation on the gentoo site for installing openrc; maybe a look at the denuvan packages would helo.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 04:24:34 PM
Quote from: PackRat on January 07, 2016, 03:39:18 AM
Just change the logout stanza:


that should allow the user to log out of most window managers - some tilers (dwm, spectrwm, others?) don't work with this method/syntax; I don't remember why.

made these changes to the code above

Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 04:31:12 PM
As far as a build goes, I am halting the process for now.  uedev and vdev are a long long way from debian ways and packaging (or so it seems to me) and I have little patience to go through it now

Here is a detailed read about vdev and OpenRC (https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=26749.msg225939#msg225939)

I have initiated a start here and a discussion and as RatMan first pointed out a How To

I am not against systemd, I am always looking at options...

udev is the culprit... It has hooks in many many things. We have proven you can take systemd out and run but you cannot totally remove systemd as long as udev is still involved
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 04:35:24 PM
Quote from: misko_2083 on January 07, 2016, 10:41:35 AM
It could be the syntax :)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="$(cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address)", NAME="eth0"

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}== "$(cat /sys/class/net/enp0s3/address)",ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
This smartphone is hard to type on. I miss my Nokia :D

Tried this and several hundred (thousand???) different iterations of the syntax and variables and it all failed...

I am now going to test a way to get VSIDO with systemd to use the standard eth0 and wlan0... I think the issue is that systemd is gone and took with it some working solutions such as this one...

Will let you know how it goes

Thanks for the suggestions
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: PackRat on January 07, 2016, 05:41:29 PM
Have you tried this yet? (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=install+gentoo)

Couldn't resist.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 05:43:28 PM
^ HA!  ... an hour ago I predicted this...  ::)




:D  8)
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: PackRat on January 07, 2016, 06:31:01 PM
Rockhopper -

(http://en.zimagez.com/miniature/830017-rockhopper-penguin.jpg) (http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/830017-rockhopper-penguin.php)
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 07, 2016, 06:47:00 PM
QuoteWe have proven you can take systemd out and run but you cannot totally remove systemd as long as udev is still involved

That's true. systemd might be outboard but udev and loads of packages are built against it, so aside of udev, traces will remain. For systemd free loads of packages must be rebuilt and that's called something like... Devuan.  :D

Nevertheless, living in Debian without systemd (but with udev) is possible as antiX and the BBQ proves. My main ystem is a BBQ spin since my main HD went south. I also run a nice bunch BQQ spins in virtual machines and two antiX installs both metal and VM. No issues so far. systemd is not present in any of them.

Regarding the network names, I also run Void here. All its packages are built systemd free and has eudev instead of udev as default. There the network names are also systemd like using either dhcpcd or wicd (haven't tried networkManager but I guess it won't be different). udev leaves traces even for completely systemd free systems. I guess it won't be easy to revert back to the standards anymore as long as something *dev is onboard.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: misko_2083 on January 07, 2016, 07:55:13 PM
Quote from: Snap on January 07, 2016, 06:47:00 PM
QuoteWe have proven you can take systemd out and run but you cannot totally remove systemd as long as udev is still involved

That's true. systemd might be outboard but udev and loads of packages are built against it, so aside of udev, traces will remain. For systemd free loads of packages must be rebuilt and that's called something like... Devuan.  :D
Yep, removing the intruder (systemD) dependancies and rebuilding the packages is the only solution. :D
It's not only Devuan. I've been helping with some software for a certain distro lately. Also Debian Jessie based with OpenRC (no systemD). The 2 guys that rebuild packages have a lot of work. Rebuilding and testing is a job for at least 5-6 people but even more would be better.
They still managed to do a lot (ZFS support, openrc init, removed systemd dependencies, refind UEFI boot manager out-of-the-box). Cool distro but I have no idea when will they release the final. So far they released RC1 and unoficial uefi test build. http://sourceforge.net/p/refind/discussion/general/thread/a4c9422d/ (http://sourceforge.net/p/refind/discussion/general/thread/a4c9422d/). I guess it will be ready when it's ready. :)
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 07, 2016, 08:32:23 PM
This has turned into the discussion I hoped it would, for all of you contributing I appreciate it

I think I can now fix the issue with udev and the network naming conventions... It is a matter of applying a simple line to /etc/default/grub explained perfectly here (https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=8778.0).  I had tried this several times but had never applied it correctly in rebuilding the grub-install ... Once I tried it directly on the kernel line (editing the grub line from the grub menu) I saw it did in fact work

Right now I am busy extracting the vsido-start scripts from the ISO's and testing that we can use basic eth0 and wlan0 standards form a build of the ISO's all the way through an installation and boot up

Once done with that I will test again on the OpenRC builds and try to release some test ISO's for people to use

Thanks to all again... This is fun stuff and I am now really curious as to how Lennart may be feeling seeing so many different groups (Including redhat people) trying to extract systemd/udev
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 07, 2016, 11:36:13 PM
Is this still necessary?

Quoteyou must reboot your computer. Since sysv-rc is stateless, and OpenRC isn't, there's no way for OpenRC to know which of your daemons are running. So it is advised to shut them down manually one by one, then do the following to do a clean shutdown (umounting your partitions before the shutdown):

for file in /etc/rc0.d/K*; do s=`basename $(readlink "$file")` ; /etc/init.d/$s stop; done

the Debian wiki OpenRC page (https://wiki.debian.org/OpenRC) is old though updated last september. Following the steps here openrc seems to be working fine without running that oneliner... or maybe not.  :P
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 07, 2016, 11:49:57 PM
QuoteI think I can now fix the issue with udev and the network naming conventions... It is a matter of applying a simple line to /etc/default/grub explained perfectly here.  I had tried this several times but had never applied it correctly in rebuilding the grub-install ... Once I tried it directly on the kernel line (editing the grub line from the grub menu) I saw it did in fact work

Great find. Thank you.

QuoteOnce done with that I will test again on the OpenRC builds and try to release some test ISO's for people to use

Eager to test them. Already switched two Vsido installs. One fresh install from the last iso and my old install. Both seem to run fine. Will check them further tomorrow and play with services.

PS, with systemd away and replaced by sysvinit+openrc consolekit makes some sense again. With systemd onboard it's just an useless piece of code brought in by lightdm as a dependency, but fully replaced by systemd. It's sitting there with no purpose.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 08, 2016, 12:19:54 AM
udev is a motherclucker and I now see why IgnorantGuru was so dead against it and systemd... it has claws that are deep...

I can now get the build to boot to livecd using the original eth0 and wlan0...

But the install reverts back to the udev shit... starting to really piss me off...

Will let you know the progress as soon as this headache dims a bit
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 08, 2016, 05:38:32 AM
Quoteudev is a motherclucker and I now see why IgnorantGuru was so dead against it and systemd... it has claws that are deep...

That's exactly my feeling from a while ago. Darn too invasive and stubborn. Nothing else is that way and so difficult to remove or replace. Not even the kernel. And you know, no kernel, no Linux.

We're all ears, VastOne. Get some pills, go for a ride and keep us updated one of these days..
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 08, 2016, 08:02:32 PM
Just got done with the standard VSIDO ISO's and they are uploading... Because of this discussion I was able to get back to what I wanted ... a bootable and installable ISO without the need for a startup ceni script.. that more than anything has pissed me off about udev/systemd, the change of a standard.. I get the reasons why security and all, but I do not like it... I cannot tell you all how much I value discussions and feedback just like this one, it motivates the hell out of me

(http://www.zimagez.com/miniature/screenshot2016-01-0819-52-50.png) (http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2016-01-0819-52-50.php)

I will have the OpenRC ISO's for testing done in 90 minutes or so... be patient just a wee bit longer
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 08, 2016, 10:34:38 PM
First time using this so it may not work...

Mega Link for folder where ISO's are (https://mega.nz/#F!IVpDwCzJ) 


is the decryption key

backup site is the old VSIDO SourceForge page (https://sourceforge.net/projects/vsido/files/VSIDO_OpenRC_ISOs/)

These ISO's install and boot to OpenRC and the network works... other than that I have done zero testing NONE/NADA/ZILCH

You all can have that fun... :D
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: misko_2083 on January 09, 2016, 01:40:17 AM
Downloaded iso and Just booted.

Kernel says:
dmesg  --level=err
[   39.334368] systemd-logind[2878]: Failed to enable subscription: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
[   39.335944] systemd-logind[2878]: Failed to fully start up daemon: Input/output error
[   40.766772] systemd-logind[2998]: Failed to enable subscription: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
[   40.768723] systemd-logind[2998]: Failed to fully start up daemon: Input/output error

udev is running
vsido@vsido:~$ ps aux | grep systemd
root       762  0.0  0.2  14208  4144 ?        Ss   00:34   0:01 /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon

vsido@vsido:~$ cat /proc/1/comm

Network is working showing eth0
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: PackRat on January 09, 2016, 01:47:21 AM
Downloaded fine; haven't burned to usb/cd yest.

I recommend you put something like "OpenRC-beta" in the iso name to differentiate from the main iso files.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 09, 2016, 01:50:54 AM
These are just one offs as an exercise.. I seriously doubt they go much further...

I have them on separate download locations in clearly marked folders these should be the last ISO's unless I get a request... If I make more I will change naming schemes then

Thanks for the feedback
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 09, 2016, 07:00:24 AM
Thanks for all this and congrats, vastOne. We know you were struggling with the netkwork names for a long while.


Quotethese should be the last ISO's unless I get a request...

I guess you'll only have one or two.  :D 

Personally I'll keep my installs away from systemd as much as I can. But knowing that (for now) it's that easy to switch in Debian I don't see the need for two kind of Vsido releases. Anyway, I'm expecting that one of these days systemd will be totally unavoidable in Debian and surely many other distros. It's what the creators expect to accomplish with their baby.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 09, 2016, 09:00:22 AM
Installed and running. It seems smooth, but the refecta installer and me keep not being good friends. My login session name in lightdm is paco. That's the username I typed into the installer, but for some reason the username showing in the terminal and home folder is still vsido...  ??? Maybe it was me.... As usual with this installer I had to run dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration after booting to get the Spanish keyboard working. Not a big deal, anyhow. I didn't even attempted adding locales this time. just left en_US-UTF-8.  8)
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 09, 2016, 04:52:37 PM
^ Interesting issues with the installer Snap, let's get to the bottom of it

First the old installer is always there just not on the menu and can be run this way in terminal

remsu /usr/bin/remastersys-installer gui

The installer works but it does not apply the net.ifnames=0 during the installation of grub... You can do that post install by booting to the new install and editing /etc/default/grub and adding it here:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="net.ifnames=0 quiet"

and then upg or sudo update-grub ... Just remember that if this is not the master grub from sda already, it may not apply ... you can always run

sudo grub-install /dev/sda

to apply it to the master (sda)

Let's also troubleshoot the new installer to see what is happening... Are you running expert mode?  The questions are different during the hostname username and user Real name portion and I made mistakes on the first couple of installs getting them backwards

You can also run this from terminal during the livecd session

remsu /usr/bin/refractainstaller-yad -d

This runs the installer in debug mode and leaves a log that we can look at.  This should give us an idea of all the issues you are having with the installer and I can forward anything onto fsmithred over on the refracta forums to discuss and troubleshoot

FYI this puts a refractainstaller_error.log that is actually copied to the new install so when it reboots to the new install you can go into /var/log/ and retrieve the information ... or during the install BEFORE you hit OK or close the last yad screen saying the install is good, you can go into spacefm and under /TARGET/var/log and /var/log you will have the information

Thanks for the input, let's solve this
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 09, 2016, 05:01:41 PM

When you get to the Configuring tzdata and Configuring locations portions of the install, do you go in and change everything to your locations then?
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: VastOne on January 10, 2016, 02:26:18 AM

I figured out the issue and resolved it in the remastersys installer that was prohibiting the eth0 and wlan0 from working

On all ISO's going forward the fix will be there

If you want to fix it on the current ISO (no matter what one you are using the latest ISO or the OpenRC ISO) do this:

Boot into a VSIDO liveCD session

use medit and open /usr/bin/remastersys-installer (as root so you can save it)

find and comment out these lines

NewGrubDefLine="$(cat /proc/cmdline | awk -F 'config ' '{print $2}' | awk -F ' BOOT' '{print $1}')"

OldGrubDefLine=$(grep -B 0  "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" /etc/default/grub)
OldGrubLine=$(grep -B 0  "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" /etc/default/grub)
sed -i -e "s/$OldGrubDefLine/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"$NewGrubDefLine\"/g" /etc/default/grub
sed -i -e "s/$OldGrubLine/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\"/g" /etc/default/grub

Save the file and exit it

Then start the install with

remsu /usr/bin/remastersys-installer gui

VSIDO installs with eth0 and wlan0 working as the defaults

I am not going to put this installer back on the menu as an option.... it will be there for anyone who wants to use it by starting it as stated above
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Snap on January 11, 2016, 06:49:18 AM
Great job, boss.

Good to know the remastersys installer is still on board. It always worked flawlessly for me while using the refracta one I usually have to fix or tweak things after installing in this and other distros. Like the keyboard as I've said before. Maybe it's only my bad luck and everyone else's mileage vary.  :P


When you get to the Configuring tzdata and Configuring locations portions of the install, do you go in and change everything to your locations then?

I think so. But I don't remember ever seeing an option or setting my keyboard with this installer. Not only this time. Then I open a terminal, type something, delete all and curse for a short while trying to remember where the heck the - / , . ; : @ ~ and other symbols are located in the US keyboard, then type dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and good to go.
Title: Re: How To: Convert VSIDO to OpenRC and remove systemd
Post by: Digit on July 09, 2016, 11:44:29 PM

i love that openrc vsido happened.  "ovsidorc"

so... i wonder... sat here on a devuan.... how much would it take to make it vsidofied?
... and ovsidorc'ified.  ^_^