VSIDO II codename Velociraptor released

After 2 weeks of discussion and a week of building and testing, I am happy to announce the release of VSIDO II, codename Velociraptor

These are the major changes in VSIDO II

Removed Xfce 4.10 but kept some parts (application finder, notifyd, task-manager)

Removed and placed Thunar and Geany in vsido-welcome

Removed uget

Removed gFTP

Removed aptosid kernel-remover (because smxi does the same thing)

Added pulseaudio

Corrected the ScreenFetch and remastersys scripts to work correctly

I also removed two icon sets that were not needed… That significantly reduced the ISO size..

Please visit the http://vsido.org/template/index.html download page for all the links to the ISO’s

VSIDO II codename Velociraptor released Read More »